this would probably be the cheapest way.
Glow in the dark thread is expensive for a small amount. I was able to make 3 or 4 strings with a spool that cost a couple dollars. Just pain the string, then charge it using uv light.
Probably. It would have been much cheaper. haha
but I was quite new to string making, and I wasn’t too worried about it. I’m never yoyoing in the dark, so no need for glow string really.
Agreed with the dark light. You can get them at Wal*Mart and so forth… compact fluorescent bulbs (the kind that fit in normal bulb sockets) are about $4.50 CDN and will last 7 years. They don’t have superior range, so if you can find two or a more powerful fluorescent-based one, that’ll probably be better; however, just one of the small ones will still do “something”.