GIVEAWAY - Christmas yoyo

At the request of some users I’ve split my for-sale post off from the giveaway. All comments (well, cow facts) on the previous post will still count. If you comment here (preferably with an animal fact) I’ll add it to the list of entries.

Several years ago a user on the forum gave away several of these yoyos (I think they were officially called the Triple Point but became known as the Christmas yoyo). I cannot in good conscious sell this yoyo so I am also giving it away. Very fun, almost feels like it belongs in the MFD family of throws.
Comment to receive an entry. Get an additional 3 entries for every yoyo purchased. I’ll do the drawing on Sunday Dec 8th. Also you have to promise to never sell it haha

Buy yoyos HERE to get additional entries.

The Christmas Yoyo

  • Cows have a visual field of 330°, almost an all-around view. They can see the colors yellow, green, and blue, whereas red is hard to see for them.
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Elephants can hold up to 4 gallons of water in their trunks at one time.

Elephants are known to have a type of tuberculosis which can be transferred to humans. This is why those that work closely with them have to get a vaccination to prevent it.

Baby elephants, or calves, sometimes suck their trunks just like human babies suck their thumbs.

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Cows technically only have one stomach, but it has four distinct compartments made up of Rumen, Reticulum, Omasum and Abomasum. It is very different than a human stomach. That’s why people often say that cows have four stomachs

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Cow meat is in hamburgers :skull:


Cows do not possess opposable thumbs, and therefore cannot perform chopstick tricks.

Actual animal fact: Red Pandas only digest around 1/4 of their bamboo intake, yet it is their primary food source. They solved this issue by just eating more, around 2-4 pounds of bamboo each day.


Penguin fact: When penguins are grouped up in the water they’re referred to as a raft, but when they’re on land they’re a waddle!

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The ‘fastest’ organism on earth, relative to its body length, is the Southern Californian mite, Paratarsotomus macropalpis, which has a speed of 322 body lengths per second.


Cats are non-native predators that, even using conservative estimates, kill 1.3–4 billion native birds and 6.3–22.3 billion native mammals each year in the U.S. alone.

I do not know the specific number of cows included in that estimate.


Even though they turn into goo during their metamorphosis, butterflies remember things from when they were caterpillars.

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You know…… I’m pretty sure I saw one of those mites a few years back.

I remember it was very small and kinda blurry.

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Can’t be zero, cats are bold and they can get really lucky sometimes.

Penguins have a gland above their eye that converts saltwater into freshwater

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Octopuses have three hearts: Two pump blood to the gills, while one pumps it to the rest of the body. When an octopus swims, the heart that delivers blood to the body stops beating.

I think I remember seeing one… my sisters asked me to kill it for them, I tried to, but it ran away-- very fast… it freaked them out so bad they didn’t sleep

The mite you saw>>>> was it wearing a Small Lives Matter T shirt, Jeezys and cargo pants?

If not, you musta seen a different one.

I know one thing for sure. I called out to it to come back, using 39 different Pronouns and no response whatsoever.


Cows can have best friends and they get stressed if they don’t see eachother and I promise to never sell them

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Adult male gorillas can eat up to 45 pounds of vegetation in a day. I’ve been obsessed with watching gorilla videos lately. There’s tours in Rwanda where you can go on a trek to see mountain gorillas. I want to go so bad, top of my bucket list. :gorilla: :gorilla: :gorilla:


The life span of a Hippopotamus is around 40 years.

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a cow with no legs is called ground beef

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