Getting started with 2a.

Well I’m going to start 2a after Christmas and have a couple of questions:

What is a good beginner looper?

Is the SOS response on the 720 as “bad” as everyone says?

How hard would it be to find Loop 900s? Or Sunsets since YYJ discontinued them?

As you can probably tell I am considering Sunsets, Loop 720s, and Loop 900s, but don’t let that limit your suggestions.

Sunset Trajectory’s(if can find) and Yomega Raiders are good for starting.

I’m not sure on SOS since I’ve never owned/played with Loop720.

Loop900’s are super hard to find as of now, YYF’s Patrick Mitchell (received email earlier today) stated there’s a possible restock on Loop900’s in late January, date not decided just a possibility.

SUNSET TRAJECTORY!! ;D It is a great looping yoyo and it is very cheap.

I would recommend the Sunset Trajectory.

Since when were they discontinued? Where did you find this out?

I e-mailed Andre about a restock on Sunsets and he said they had been discontinued.

Oh, that is weird. If YoyoJam does that, then it would not have a proper looping yoyo in production… Anyway, in that case, I would recommend the Duncan Speed Beetle. I heard many good reviews on it.

Raiders and 720’s are really good loopers.

raiders r rlly good

What about Sunset Trajectory NGX?

I also like raider ex’s.

Well i started looping with sunset nxg and I still loop with sunsets 4 months later. It is great for looping and is very inexpensive to purchase.

Here is a link to buy them

its discontinued cuz of the soon 2 come unleashed loopers, buyt i got dave geigle sunsets ill trade 2 u