Get Ready for ONE July 2024!

Yup I was right I am cleaning bearings today. Soap and water then a touch of lube is quite good. I have a lot of bearings to clean :joy: :sob:

Hades was indeed first. Maybe I should make some strings today. I have to repot a big plant so I’ll be sweaty and dirty anyway, may as well.

Hades, TitanX, Klondike, Brass ring Valhalla, Elevated, Titanic, Scintillator so far though!

It feels like getting a ton of new yoyos (that I already had)


Wahoo! Thank you.

How can I pitch in?

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It’s taken care of.


Glad to hear you got them on time!


If you want to throw a little money the YYBC’s way, you can always snag one of these:


I managed to make it, with my 2 extra days since I didnt get my throw of choice in until the 3rd. Fun challenge! I didnt super actively miss my other throws but it did feel real good to toss around some others this morning!!


Just wanted to give an update on the stickers! I’m waiting for the “FAIL” stamp to arrive so I can stamp all the failed participants, and then I will mail them out. Hoping by the end of the week. If it takes longer I’m just going to mail out the non-stamped ones to everyone that successfully completed One July and the others will need to wait a couple more days.

So if you haven’t filled out the completion form with your mailing info, nows the time! Going to start dividing them up to see how many should go in each envelope.


The accuracy imbued upon me as a result of my month with the Dreamland has been very enjoyable on my other throws. I’m even more impressed by the Yoshicuda now. It’s every bit my favorite unresponsive I own. If you all propose this again next year I can’t say I feel compelled to join in. At least for now. :rofl:
Thanks to all who made it a fun month and congrats to all who made it through.


one july has inspired me to formulate a new plan. im going with project panorama. everyone was right about the panorama, it’s every bit the dream feeling throw ppl sold it as. it also was accurate to say it demands cleaner play, but I’ve found it isn’t a frustrating level. it takes some adjustment. i was thinking about something tom from throws n brews said in a video; slow down and play clean because clean play leads to faster play and that its almost paradoxical that you slow down to learn to go fast. i want to combine that idea with the panorama to train super clean play. i feel like the sooner i can lock into good habits and clean execution the better. I’m not doing anything like making it my one and only but the time i did spend with my one last month taught me how valuable focus and consistency can be with a yoyo.

so I’m going to focus the majority of my play time with the pano. if i feel like taking a break and throwing something else, i will, but i will return to the slim highwall goodness. i feel like ive been so excited about all the newness of the hobby that its lead me to go so fast and hard that im going to A. develop sloppy play that i expect my yoyo to cover for and B. burn out when i hit a wall. im interested to see how this recentering of my focus will affect both my short and long term progress

anyway, just thought id share my mad one july inspired plan :v::grin::+1:


You got it, slow is precise and precise is fast!


It’s a good plan, and the Panorama is a perfect tool to make that progress on. While my One was a smaller yo-yo it still had a generous catch zone and leaned far more in a performance direction. I feel like your plan will definitely pay off.


Long story short: I’ve ended up doing another month of ONE throw with the Workhorse proto, but the v2 this time. Nearly the end of the month, so might as well see it through

I’m in it with you @Pun1sh3R




Still rocking it!

Although, I have thrown the Mostly Dead Horse on occasion in the evening.

Fixed RBC made a appearance at YYBC meeting last night.