Get Ready for ONE July 2024!

That looks good! Did it come with the perfectly sized bag?

It did, although I couldnā€™t easily get it into the bag. I didnā€™t try too hard, It keeps wandering into my hands, though. I am strong! (1July).


Thereā€™s no rules against holding a yoyo. And that one looks nice to hold.

It really is.

Talk to me about the Black Hole when you have time please.

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What black hole?

Asking Punisher about this one.




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Oh good eye! How have I never noticed that?

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Zooming in on my collection? I do the same thing. I guess I hide things in plain sight.

5th day. Cut a string. Yoyo started to loosen up, when I noticed, I just tightened it back up.

Went to throw and no sleep, instant return.

Looked into the gap, no string around the Bricked Bearing, it had fell to the axel.

As soon as I loosened the halves, the string fell out. Boy did I get LUCKY.

It is now laced with a standard course P44 string.


Day 5: still in. Working on doughnut trucks and some alternating repeaters. Also trying to figure out if a Houdini stall is good for something.


Late to the boat, but faithful so farā€¦
I didnā€™t catch on about 1 July until July 2nd - so as fate would have it, I only managed to get avout 5 minutes of throwing in on the 1st - all with the same yoyo. Since hearing about it (G2 Jake - MMYY video mention), I have stayed faithful to it. While it wasnt necessarily my immediate first choice if told - you only get one throw, there are a handful of reasons that I think this was the right (thank you fate) choice. Iā€™m throwing the G2 Jackal.

First off, itā€™s the closest thing I have to a throw with red, white, and blue (need to fix that at some point), and I used it patriotically for a good amount yesterday.

Second - this slimline is the perfect thing to throw in your pocket as a high end slimline EDC - eloquent yet robust, refined yet bold. This thing will travel with you in a pocket and next to nobody will see it until you bust it out.

Third - the narrow gap makes for a great training tool to really hone multiple strings, lacerations/whips/GTs, and leaves little room for error. This throw has really helped me to be more precise with my movements, placements, and intentions.

Fourth - this thing rips. Slimline or not, it flat out PLAYS when you push it to do more.

Fifth - with the flagship G2 spike, pull starts and matador style is a breeze.

While I have had some decent maildays recently, this is something that I can pick up, throw once or twice, and put down to go connect with my family for a few minutes before coming back to it. I never feel like I have FOMO if I only get the opportunity to throw it for 5 minutes at a time, as I know itā€™s easy enough to slip in the pocket, take with you, and bust out at the very next moment.

Happy throwing all!


the jackal is really something special, so happy @G2_Jake made that one for us <3


Iā€™ve got to say that yesterday I discovered joy in an axle knot. :rofl:
Usually I jump right on untangling themā€¦ but yesterday I left it untouched for quite some timeā€¦ all the while enjoying my Dreamland playing responsiveā€¦ :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Iā€™m surprised you havenā€™t filed the posts and popped a half spec in. :rofl:
It sounds like a couple other people are switching configs here and thereā€¦


I like it although I donā€™t have much 5a experience and wonā€™t have the most valuable insight!

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Itā€™s a D bearing, and I have thought about that. But it already uses the shortest axle and there arenā€™t a lot of threads, so there is no way Iā€™ll be going ham on it. :rofl:
(Waves hand like a Jediā€¦) Axle knots will do fineā€¦ Axle knotsā€¦ WILL do fine. :rofl:

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@YoYo-Boomer-Club is it okay if i use 2 galaxy divers because i will be competing at worlds on July 31st and i will need at least two of them to compete and to practice with so can i use two this month of the same yoyo?


I see no issue. I joked with some folks about only one but same YoYo sane config makes sense especially if itā€™s a competition thing. We arenā€™t trying to make YoYo not fun


No problem here. :wink: