genesis or y factor

ok what would be better the genesis or y factor im looking for stability and spin time please comment the yoyo u think would have the best of either of both

If spin time and stability are ALL you’re looking for (even though those are dependent on the throw) then the Genesis won’t disappoint. I can’t attest for the Y Factor but I assume it’s quite similar in those areas.

However the two are vastly different. What are your preferences?

Yeah, if you like big yoyos, then get the Genesis. If you like smaller ones, get the y-factor.

well im looking for one that would be better at 5a

y factor is good for 5a .genesis is better for 1a

wow wait what?? i thought the genisis was made for 5a?

Its good for both styles but seriously? Better for 1A? It has taken Nationals 5A two years in a row and was designed for/by Migguel Correa who took those titles. To answer the question, I love my Genesis and I don’t think I know anyone to complain about anything but the size. They are two completely different yoyos. Everything yoyo-related is pretty much preference.

i prefer the genesis

It is my favorite 5a yoyo and one of my fav 1a yoyos

i own a Genesis, but i don’t like the way it throws. it throws like a 5A, which is good for 5A players, but i like the throw of a 1A better. so i’m trying to get a skyline or other yoyo. any suggestions? if you are interested in buying my Genesis, here it is: