General Yo Amplitude: A High Speed YoYo Review

Oh I am happy as can be. I have cool things to throw and more coming. :slight_smile:

Deleted a bunch of posts. Letā€™s keep this thread on topic and friendly, thanks.


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Hey guys! I use to read this forum but Iā€™m mostly out of forums because posts like this. Yoyos are 99% of the time a question of preferences. Iā€™m a huge collector and probably a nice player, but not fantastic. Iā€™ve owned more than 300 different models and played all of them, and also Iā€™ve had almost every General Yo released (I missed that mini, the essence and the magnesium one).

I got the Amplitude like 2 weeks ago, but I was reviewing the Aethyr so I only gave it a throw and left it in the self. It was supossed I was going to pick a special edition of the Cascade, but it suddenly sold out so I found myself with money and the amplitude in stock. Got it, liked the shape and the colour but when it was in my hands I realized it was mid-sizedā€¦ and all my favourite throws are bigger (I use to play the Berserker, Zeus, Code2, Genesis and Cliff). So I was dissapointed I didnt realize about the size and didnt pay much attention to it.

Yesterday I finished the review and posted it in my blog and decided to change for a little bit, I was bored of playing same yoyo for 10 days. Decided to give the Amplitude an oportunity, and now I feel happy about it.

As I said, Iā€™m a big fan of big yoyos, and more on the heavy side. So first throw was like: dā€™oh. This thing is small and fast, I canā€™t control it. But then I realized I was not feeling bad about it. In the opossite, I was having real fun. Checked the specs at online store and then threw it again. Maybe the string was too short for that zippy behaviour. Changed to my beloved kitty strings, but the result was more or less the same.

It is small, but wide. The profile is really open V so even not being that huge it is very easy to hit the string all the time. And tricks flies around, one after the other, making me to look like a fast player. I really enjoy the Amplitude a lot and will be my daily throw for at least this week. Iā€™m even thinking about writing a review.

I wont tell you it is the best yoyo out there or the best price/quality or even the most beautiful. Itā€™s just a piece of alluminium that makes me really happy. In this world everything is about preferences. Mine were suposed to be different, but sometimes we are wrong even in that. I love the Amplitude, and Ernie, if you read this, for me this is the best yoyo you have ever done. Thanks!!!


Awesome, thanks for the detailed viewpoint. The bolded potion was exactly how I felt at first. It was outside my comfort zone, I like bigger, slower, more relaxed yoyos. Even though this was not what I normally look for I noticed that I was having a blast with it and have been grabbing for it more and more. It is now officially in my daily carry rotation. Sometimes it is good to just go against your norms, youā€™ll be surprised what brings a smile to your face. :slight_smile:


Why do my posts always get deleted? I spent like an hour replying to that last one. I kept it relatively friendly and if the thread went off-topic it was due to the OP, and therefore not really off-topic. He asked for opinions on the Amplitude, but it seems only one kind of opinion is allowed. You left most of saintrobynā€™s posts which completely distorted what I said and you deleted my replies. Kind of one sided, donā€™t you think? Anyway, thanks for wasting my time, both you and him.

Though I guess in the long run this will probably save me time by ending the ā€œdebate.ā€


I didnā€™t just delete your posts, I deleted everyoneā€™s post when more of the text was about bickering than about the original topic.

Save yourselves the time and effort. Keep posts on topic and friendly.


Actually you deleted at least 3 of my posts and only 1 of saintrobynā€™s as far as I can tell. If I had started the debate I could see why you would do this. But I didnā€™t. The OP did. And you left his replies twisting my meaning but took away my defenses. E.g., in reply #32, the OP accuses me of wanting to cause a dust-up and equating yo-yo price with quality, which now stands without rebuttal. In reply #36, the OP accuses me of contradicting myself, which stands without rebuttal. So apparently Iā€™m not allowed to reply to peopleā€™s poor reading comprehension or deliberate distortions as it seems every time I do so the thread gets ā€œcleaned upā€ by overactive mods, which generally means purging most of my posts, even though I was fairly civil this time.

I donā€™t know what this obsession is here with keeping posts ā€œon-topic.ā€ Iā€™ve never seen it any of the 10 or so forums Iā€™ve posted heavily in in the past. But as I see it, the OP directs the topic, and if the OP starts a debate, then the debate is by definition ā€œon-topic.ā€ Besides, we were, in fact, talking about the Amplitude and particularly my own opinions regarding it. It was not off-topic. It was contentious, because of the OP, but nothing I canā€™t handle.

Maybe if youā€™d spent hours writing replies to this guy only to find them deleted with minimal justification, youā€™d see my point.

As it is, I wouldnā€™t be surprised to see this post vanish along with the others.

I deleted plenty more than just one of saintrobyns posts.

Shai, you need to stop taking things so personally and just enjoy yoyos.

If you have further concerns, PM me and donā€™t post further in this thread unless itā€™s on topic. It doesnā€™t matter who started it.



I asked him to clean it up to keep it on topic. It was getting out of hand on both sides, I am man enough to admit my own faults when it pertains to this matter. This is a review post for a specific yo-yo. If you donā€™t like what was said here feel free to make a new post telling everyone why you disagree with what I have written or better yet please take some of the time you used to debate me and put it to better use writing an actual review of the Amplitude where you can compare it to whatever yo-yo you so choose. In the end the mods had my back when I asked them to help correct a mistake I made by engaging you in debate.

And to keep this on topic. I have found that while the finish has been proven to handle muggy weather pretty well, it does not like to grind while you are playing on the back porch and it suddenly begins storm. I found that one out the hard way. Gotta love that Ohio weather. :slight_smile: