General YO 5-Star 2nd run

I was lucky enough to get my hands on the first run… and until today I have not put it down because it is just poetic how it plays. Well today I opened a box that revealed perfection in a two-toned green bead blasted monster of a yo that is as if my first run 5-Star had died and come back as a God!

I don’t see myself as qualified enough to give a reputable review, so this is just my first impression. This thing is AWESOME!!! The speed, the stability, the entire throw is whipped cream smooth and the bead blast so lovely to my fingers and arms as this beast grinds along like a baby powder breeze…

I will probably be having a pretty big post on BST now that I can sell off all the rest of my throws. I wont need anything else anymore! This is the ONE!

I will leave a couple pictures then I am off to Yo-Heaven with my new 5-Star!!

Oh yeah, if you listen to my advise… I would try your best to get one new, I can’t see anyone letting go of one of these once they get to throw it once!


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Glad you like it!
How do you like the beadblasting?

Awsome, I will try one at DXL if they have any.

“the bead blast so lovely to my fingers and arms as this beast grinds along like a baby powder breeze…”
So yeah, I like it… :smiley:

And about DXL…

Check that out!

Looks nice. I’ll try one when I meet Ernie. I think we live about 12 miles away from each other :wink: