ok so i already know there are so many post out there that talk about this but i am just head over heals in love with both yoyos and dont know which yoyo to get! i mean i want z-stacks but i also want the dead smoothness of the 888x. i love larger yoyos but i hear the G5 is kinda responsive while the 888x is completely unresponsive! please help! ??? ??? ???
ok so i already know there are so many post out there that talk about this but i am just head over heals in love with both yoyos and dont know which yoyo to get! i mean i want z-stacks but i also want the dead smoothness of the 888x. i love larger yoyos but i hear the G5 is kinda responsive while the 888x is completely unresponsive! please help! ??? ??? ???
with regular hubstacks the g5 is dead smooth but with with the z stacks its a little noisey and maybey some small vibe but if ur gonna get a hubstacked yoyo then get the g5 because with regular hubstacks its impossible to catch them the g5 is the only yoyo the can tolerate z stacks. as with response the g5 is dead unresponsive i have no idea of it being responsive just normally. my pick is the g5
I have a G5, and it’s far from responsive. Maybe that G5 you mention just have a bad bearing.
both are awesome, but G5’s ability to tolerate Z stack is a considerable point.
if I may suggest, pick one that you like based on the size.
I’ve used both. The G5 is by far more stable, but the 888 is smoother, and is faster on the string. I pick the 888.
If you say that the G5 is responsive no matter what, you radically incorrect. If you get a G5, it’s unresponsive. The 888X is not more unresponsive than the G5.
Clean the bearing correctly on your G5, it’ll be unresponsive. 99% of the yoyo’s out there can be changed to dead unresponsiveness.
G5: stable, slim, wide gap, great at grinding,z-stacks.888x: smooth, wide gap, wide, undersized,great grinder, hubstacks. You decide
I would pick one by the shape you prefer, they are both really good, but I think z stacks/hubstacks get old after like 17 seconds
Cant catch Hubstacks?
Yes, I really am just fed up with stacks and I think you will too pretty soon. Reffering to OP.
really for these its all about do u like the h shape tall but skinny look or the undersized rounded look ---- leave hubstacks out for now.
Thanks for all the help. A lot of you are saying go by shape and I know I’m probably gonna get some hate for this but personally I love the h-shape! Many people hate it but I love it! Probably gonna go with a G5 as I have large hands and small yoyos hurt so I prefer bigger throws. I’m getting a G5 as soon as I get my hands on some cash. Thanks everybody!
I came to the part to late to say this, but I know where the “Responsive” argument likely came from. I had a really early run G5, and something about the Gap made it feel just a little jump, but I got a run that was a few years later, and I love that little bugger. Just some post thought.