G2 YoYos New - Spartans Spin

Well they come pre assembled and tested, but Heath is stringing and testing (effectively double testing) from there before packing them in the boxes. Could be a time saver if yours came assembled and tested from the factory too. Then you could ship more in the same time.

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American anodizers wouldnā€™t be willing to do that.


I do a lot of things that donā€™t make business sense in time and cost. But in the end itā€™s doing what I like to do to keep G2 special.


Thatā€™s so cool, when everyone gets the chance to buy oneā€¦ :wink:

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I kid, I kid, thank you Jake for doing it your way, which so far has been a very successful way. And thanks Jeff for making a Ti available to blue collar joeā€™s like me.


Monday morning yo-yo -


Testing the TiShee V3. Spoiler alert. Itā€™s really damn good. Oh snozberries DWs too.


TiBanshee!!! Canā€™t wait!!! Sharper spikes for the win please! I much prefer the super sharp spike on my Tihawk to the slightly less sharp spike on the og hawk.


The worlds best yo-yo. And itā€™s really not close.


Answering all your questions about the TiShee.


I was on your site at 8:00 est which is my time plus one hour and for 30 minutes all it said was out of stock. What am I missing?

Did you refresh? Maybe orders were processed from 8-8:30

It was two hours ago from now that the presale went live. Did you maybe translate time zones wrong? I know I often make that mistake. That would be my first guess since I saw a lot of activity on FB and here of people who were successfully placing orders (me included).

Another presale at 8pm tonight - hope you figure it out!


Well then EST is EDT which is my timezone plus one hour. This would be 9:00 my time. I was, however, on the site at 8:00 my time also. I looked up EST and it is one hour plus EDT. I sat on the site, refreshed it numerous times and never saw anything but out of stock. So, is my time correction right or not?

No Eastern standard time is not eastern daylight time.

Iā€™m guessing we might be 2 hours ahead of you.

Iā€™m posting at 1:06 est

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Youā€™re figuring something wrong - Daylight Savings Time in the US can be tricky, and you might be adjusting the wrong way. Like I said, time zones often confuse me too.

Itā€™s 1:08 ET right now so 7 hours from this post you will be able to purchase. (6 hours and 52 minutes it will go live again). Set an alarm for 7 hours from now and get yours.

edited cuz Iā€™m just proving how time zones confuse meā€¦

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Or just look up current time in canton Ohio

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Itā€™s now 1:13 Eastern Time (ET), which is not the same as Eastern Standard Time (EST). EST (winter time) is always without daylight savings time, and EDT (summer time) is always with daylight savings. Eastern Time is the one that changes with the seasons, and is what most everyone uses. People often (usually even?) incorrectly refer to ET as EDT.

So its now 1:16 here in Ohio, and three minutes after when I started typing this.

(So it is ~12:16 EST.)


Point taken, 7 hours from now. Just trying to help the dude out. As I said, time zones confuse me at times with all the DST shifting.

7 hours from now youā€™ll have 10 minutes left to get one.

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Sorry, just the teacher in me coming out and wanting to explain some pedantic mathematical nuance. I think everyone was using the terminology consistently, so it worked out.

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