G Squared Collaboration?

I wouldn’t really wanna see a collaboration just as studio42 mentioned, but if there has to be one, it would definitely be one drop. Spyy would be awesome. I got nothing against clyw but I think they are a little too much out there right now.

X cubed x G squared

Any one care to elaborate on their choices? Other than the OD SE idea.

I would love to see G squared do something with Square Wheels or another company that is in the beginning of its true potential. You both make really good yoyos and top that with some of square wheels blast and ano and you have a winner. Any upcoming company would be a good collaboration in my opinion. Side effects are overrated and using them makes any yoyo made from another company feel like our throwing a one drop yoyo.

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They have the STAX which prevent stripping, great designs, great engravings, ano, and they make it super affordable.

well technically, every yoyo they make is a collaboration with onedrop.

Onedrop makes all of their yoyos.

But if you meant them actually teaming up and designing a yoyo, than yeah, that’d be awesome.

Something like the albatross but with side effects would be sick

Yup, pretty much. Also, Anthony Rojas.

G Squared X Caribou Lodge

The Arctic Fox!

That would be a sick undersized yoyo.

Undersized, with a shape similar to the Foxland Precision Katz Meow.

Your Albatross and Ano patterns plus Ernie’s blast and hat pads. Sounds good to me!

CLYW, make a puffin albatross:

A wider albatross, with snow tires, the finish that CLYW uses, CLYW Coloways, and work together on the cup area

Good idea as well :wink: bring two fresh companies some more light !

i think Spyy would be cool.

SPIN DYNAMICSSS!!! My 2 fav companies collabing, wow! Like a G2 finish and colorways, with spin dynamics helicoil inserts and engraved caps!

That would be awesome! I’m pretty sure they both have use Gruntbull bead blast for their finish though :wink: Specs of a Puffin with catch zone of the Albatross and Puffin/Chief Rings and Albatross hub ! :slight_smile:

Northern Spin Co. Can you imagine a Trituantum ? or Nessilex? man I’m on a roll with names today ;D


I would also like to see a G Squared with Side Effects.

The Square G? Or G Wheels.

Interesting to see so many different ideas.

I think a lot of these would be cool for sure, but I kind of agree with Studio overall. I think a collab would be neat for sure, but I think continuing to shine as a unique company would be even better.