24 hours left - auctions end between 6:00 - 7:00pm, Central Standard Time on Friday.
SPYY Supra, and SPYY El Ranchero, a SpinFaktor HG, a YYJ Copperhead, a Yoyofficer Brave, a VERY rare YYJ Buzz On Matrixx, a Timeless Glamour, and a Duncan Metropolis are now on eBay:
Interesting mix, with some quite rare throws listed.
The BuzzOn Matrixx has been professionally modded - unresponsive w/ a C bearing. The rest are original, and in excellent condition.
Each yoyo is $50. Please do not make offers (I also won’t be trading any of these - for sale, only).
I’ll consider lowering prices from time to time. We’ll see what the market will bear.