FS: One Drop (Panorama, Rev1), CLYW Beater, Alliance Ti throw

ConUS shipping only please, but feel free to ask. Priced as shipped with g&s included, f&f always appreciated. My feedback thread

Not interested in any Trades, Thanks

Purchases are shipped insured.

Non-smoking home, no pets. Feel free to ask for more pics or details on throws before purchase.

Availability Key:

:white_check_mark: = Available, :x: = sold, :hourglass_flowing_sand: = pending

Available Pic ID Brand Name Price Color Condition Pics/Vids
:white_check_mark: B1 One Drop Rev 1 $55 Black Smooth but has had a hit Link
:white_check_mark: B2 One Drop Panorama $80 Re-wind exclusive Splash Silver/Blue New in box, only thrown for testing, smooth Link
:x: B3 @colin.n__ Tingsu SOLD Titanium, raw minor vibe, some marks, no hits SOLD
Available Pic ID Brand Name Price Color Condition Pics/Vids
:white_check_mark: C1 YoyoFriends x Damian Puckett Alliance $200 Titanium Used/good, some raw marks, slight fingernail vibe Link
:white_check_mark: C2 CLYW Beater $60 Clear Good with one hit (desk chair), smooth Link

Rev 1 (Black)


Panorama - JP Rewind exclusive colorway

Yoyofriends x Damian Puckett - Alliance (Raw Titanium)

CLYW - Beater (Clear - one hit under desk chair, smooth)


(Reserved for Edits)