Fs: entire od collection

Hey guys,

I’m selling my entire OD collection to try to help my family with covering some funeral expenses. There are quite a few yoyos, so I’ll separate them in cerakotes, sm’s, ds’s, and clear/the rest. Some of these in not quite sure what the going rate is, so I’ll ask you to make an offer please. No trades please. Shipping will be $5 USD, or free for orders over $150. CONUS only please. More pics on request. Discounts for group buys. Feel free to make offer on anything. Thank you for all the help in this time of need! And a HUGE thank you from me and my family for all that have reached out in support, you guys are the reason I grew to love this community.

P.S. I may not be ultra responsive, but please know that I will get back to you.


White kamuraiju- $105
Green wyvern- $105
Green deep state- $100 SOLD!!
Wyvern egg- PENDING
White sugar glider- -$110 SOLD!!
White/neon top deck- $115
Blue fat tire 2020- $100
Blue/red wyvern- $100
Orange diorama- $110
Green wizard- $100 SOLD!!
White/neon fat tire 2020- $100 SOLD!!!
JK still Rollin- $95
Pink diorama- $110
Lilith reboot- $120 SOLD!!
Black and white top deck- $105
Black relic wizard- $105 SOLD!!
Lilith wizard- $115

Dragon Slayer-
Summit (small scratches)- SOLD!!
Chik- $110
T1- $100 SOLD!
Gauntlet- $110
Deep state- $100 SOLD!!
Sugar glider- $110
Kuntosh- SOLD!!
Benchmark o (2014?)- $90 SOLD!
Yelets- $100 SOLD!!
Panorama- $95 SOLD!!!

Saturday market-
Rebirth- $110
Terrarian- $90
Kraken- $100 SOLD!
Kuntosh 5kqv- SOLD
Parlay- SOLD!!
Deep state- $90 SOLD!!
Sk- $105 SOLD!
Virtuoso- $105 PENDING
Sugar glider- $100
Legendary terrarian- $95
1 to 1- SOLD
Fat tire- $90 SOLD!
Intro- $90
Silhouette- $95 SOLD!
Downbeat 2020- $105
Nitro- $90
Rev 2- SOLD
Halifax- $95
Deeper state- $90 SOLD!
Free solo- $100
Burnside 2020- $110
Panorama- $95
Lunar eclipse- $100 SOLD!
Aitch- $95
Diorama- $100 SOLD!
T1 2020- $100
Thorn- $100

Clear (unless otherwise noted)
Stacked project- SOLD!
M1- $115 SOLD!!
Project 2- $110 SOLD!
Orange dingo- $100
Splash purple y factor- $110 PENDING
Nickel markmont next- OFFER PLEASE
Grey 54- $110
Blue splash code 1- $100
Purple splash Dietz with gold Dietz se’s- $110
Orange Cafe racer- $50 SOLD!
Gold dang- $65
Red white splash Burnside- $70
Green red splash code 2- $120 SOLD!
Cascade gzr- OFFER PLEASE
Pink yelets- $90
Blue summit- OFFER PLEASE
Hair band chik- SOLD
White rally no cracks- $90
Purple format c small scratches- $50
Valor- $100 SOLD!
Black t1- $75
Ayame gradient- $90 SOLD!
Clear/black fade mmc with mmc se’s- OFFER PLEASE
Downbeat- $80
Rebirth- $70
Terrarian- $50 SOLD!
Vanguard- $50 SOLD!
Guantlet- $60 SOLD!
Top deck- $60
Black kuntosh- OFFER PLEASE
Black white half swap cabal- SOLD
Orange Marquis- SOLD
Prescription- $60 SOLD!
Blue Mantis some damage- $45
Salt lake sunset fade parlay- SOLD
Bronze dang 2- $40
Deep state- $40 SOLD!!
Sk- $60 SOLD!!
Overture- SOLD
Vtwo- $90
Eclipse- $60
Par Avion- $55 SOLD!
Brown virtuoso- $50
Gray sugar glider- $50
Legendary terrarian- $50 SOLD!
Broken heart Rev 1- $90 SOLD!!!
Fat tire- $50
Intro- $45 SOLD!!
Downbeat 2020- $55 SOLD!
Nitro- $50 SOLD!
Rev 2- 60 SOLD!
Green Halifax- $50
Free solo- $50 SOLD!
Panorama- $50 SOLD!!
lunar eclipse- $60 SOLD!
Aitch- $50
Diorama- $70 SOLD!!
Green t1 2020- $50
Thorn- $50
Kamuraiju- $50 SOLD!
Wyvern- $50 SOLD!
Reboot- $55 SOLD!
Fat tire 2020- $50
Wizard- $50 SOLD!
Black still Rollin- $55
Format c Gen 2- $55
Mcmo with brass mcmo se’s- SOLD!
Black cannon- $65 SOLD!
Markmont project 2 with brass ul’s- $90

Willamette valley top deck- OFFER PLEASE
Willamette valley guantlet- OFFER PLEASE


Holy guacamole!

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got some drool on my keyboard


+bump for a homie, help em out!


Holy crapnuggets
Your gunna make millions


DM’d on the Wizards.

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Sorry for your loss, hope you and your family are doing okay and holding up, will keep you in thoughts and prayers


OMG. Sorry, I don’t know your story but I wish your family well. That is an impressive collection.

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Pm’d about the Benchmark O

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Pm on fire devil


My goodness! Thank you all for the messages and kind words. I really appreciate that! This was to help my retired dad recoup some funds for the passing of my mom, so this really means a lot to me and my family. I figured it was the perfect time to let go of the collection, and I think I was right! Sooooo Many messages! But I honestly appreciate all the help guys. I will be sending out all of the purchased yoyos as soon as I can, but feel free to send me some friendly reminders so I don’t miss any (I’m actually kind of scared of that with as many that have sold so far). I need to find some boxes now. Thank you all again!


Project…. SOLD! :clap:

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Thank you for that, I thought I updated it!

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Just triple checking cause it’s one of my grails! Thank you again.

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Why are all the Deep States “PENDING”? If the person who wishes to buy these does not have the funds now; then the yo-yo should be available to those that currently have the funds.

Yo-yo’s should be for sale on a first pay - first sold basis. Not on a “I will surely pay you later, for a yo-yo reservation today”.

And no; I am not interested in any of these. Just a pet peeve on “pending” or “on hold” status. Either you got the $ or not.


I appreciate the concern, but I’ve agreed to put them on pending. Thank you for checking out the listing though!


People’s…. FYI. That White Cerekote Sugar Glider plays like a dream! I’ve never played the AL version but my cerekote is so floaty. I’ve got bad wolf nylon on it and WOW!

Free bump.


I don’t totally agree. I think it’s up to the seller tbh. If a seller want’s to put it on hold, they can. I’ve done this before and I hated doing it, but on one occasion, I had been watching for a few days and there were no bites, and another time was a throw that was top three, realistic wishlist buys (and even then I waited a day or two). Both those occasions, the seller was gracious enough to keep it on hold for an extra day or two. And I’m glad I did, because I’m pretty happy with them.

Honestly, I don’t get what you’re peeved about. The buyer shot their shot, the seller agreed, then updated their listing. Regardless of whether it’s pending or sold, you’re still not getting it, but in the case of the former, there’s a slight potential you could get it later, ie buyer drops out, in which case the seller can, depending upon the experience, post negative feedback. In which case, the buyer looks bad.

I’m just happy the seller updated the listing as such. I haven’t yet had the displeasure, but I’m sure someone has messaged a lazy seller about a particular throw, only to be turned away due to it being pending or sold.

TL;DR: idk what the peeve is? Either way, thanks to social contract, there’s less than 1% chance you’ll get it (assuming you do want it, which, isn’t the case here I guess?)


One of my pet peeves is when people offer unsolicited advice in the face of what is a total non-issue.