General Yo 5 Star first run Red/Black for sale for $150 USD, photos below. It has been played, no dings, but there is a line along the black half’s rim that you can see in the photos with flash. I don’t think it is a carpet burn/ano ruboff as it looks like a machining line as it runs around the entire half of the yo-yo uniformly, but I could be wrong. There is also some ‘age and manufacture’ blemishes in the close-up photos below, with a small semi-circle mark in the ano on the black half, but very hard to see when not looking at it with a flash. I can provide better photos if requested. Anyways I traded for this in 2009 (I traded an OD P2 for it!). I think original bearing (some corrosion on outer race of bearing) and OG response pads too. Plays great! No vibe!
Would trade for an anodized Tishee + $75 from myself
Also confirmed only 100 of these made. Not sure how many are in this condition, or even for sale to be honest.
I am open to other offers of high-performing titanium yo-yos (I already have a TiWalker thanks so not interested in a 2nd), preferably v-shaped and 56 mm +.
I dropped the price to $150. And am open to other titanium yo-yo offers (+ some cash if need be) for this rare yo-yo
I was thinking maybe G2 Jake was lurking and saw this thread and happened to have a couple anodized Tishees beside him that he could have easily traded for this yo-yo + cash
Bump @ $150. I never meant to try to make a buck off this. Just wanted to trade for a ti yo-yo and to have this even on the market for others to trade for if they want it. Might be the last bump, I might end up keeping it if there’s no offers lol. Thanks for reading.