Got a new tube of Monkey Snot today. Gonna treat all my throws today. Pulling out all pads and old sili and the whole crew is getting fresh response today.
Fortunately this isn’t the mask topic.
Up close and naked. Bodies tended and brushed. Strings washed. Bearings soaked, cleaned, and treated. Axles scrubbed. Has taken me this long to get to this point. They needed some TLC and baby? Imma give it to em!
what two silver halves are on the top left?
that’s what i thought.
I didn’t like it at first. Then I changed the pads to some old snot I had lying around and it got 100 times better. It was old snot and not installed as smooth as I’d like and since I just got new tube so they all getting the treatment.
how can the Tishee be bad?!
I had 3 Tishees at one point and one was pretty slippy on binds. I just put some yyf pads in that one but snot is the way to go to customize your response
i know you just sold one, do you have anymore?
(Answer Key)
That’s why every thrower should be capable of properly tweaking response to their liking. It always baffles me when someone mentions selling a throw because it had slippy response.
You seen people do that?
More than a few times on here. I’ve always been one to tinker with things, even if I don’t feel like it, I’ll do it on principle. Not everyone is like that, which is understandable, but, IMO anyway, tweaking response is a fundamental skill for a thrower
It’s response was weak and sloppy. The pads were hard and it was just not a good experience. Poor sleep time, thudded at the end of the string and missed most binds unless I went exaggerated with it. After replacing response it all became clear why it was so well reputed. I also didn’t get one of those new string that was supposed to come with it. Oh well, my own heartstrings are enough for me forever, and the throw is awesome now.
This is the sensible way, a few at once.
Special Shoutout to @MonkeyFingerYOYO for the snotty hookup! Mad Love bro! <3