Freehand One National YoYo Contest Special Edition

At the 2022 National YoYo Contest Duncan released this special edition Freehand ONE! Features original artwork by Paul Escolar (RIP) that had gone unreleased (part of proceeds go to Paul’s family). And look at that Red/White/Blue Marble! Super fun and originally available only at the National YoYo Contest in Arizona now in limited supply! Tonight at 8PM ET!



Releases tonight at 8pm ET!


These are moving quick, good thing there was around 100 to start with.

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I’m very thankful for that. I didn’t want to miss out on this one.


It’s already available to purchase.

Historic Yoyo. Maybe next year I can attend in person.

For this year, just the Contest Special.


Such a great version! Got mine with a matching shirt at nats (along with three more that club members asked me to get). One of my favorite souvenirs!


Was watching the seconds tic down on this one. Glad there is plenty. It’s funny scrambling through the check out hoping I get it. Then go back to the page and watch them slowly get scooped up.


And they are sold out. Probably went quicker than the other Escolar edition.


Easily the Ugliest Freehand I will own or have ever seen.

I didn’t want to say anything until they sold out because I didn’t want to possibly discourage anybody from buying one.

And I have a whole lotta Freehands.

I miss Paul every day. He was a Legend and a good friend. And he was a Natural Artist. His humor and easy going optimism shows through in everything he drew.

The sidecaps on this Edition are no exception. Simply beautiful.

But……. The contrast between the sidecaps color and the body color is most likely a very unintentional failure, lol.

I’m sure they started with ‘the Flag’ idea, no problem. Let’s get some white and red and blue and, uh, we’ll, mix em together, right? Add a little love and bake us a Flag. Wrong…

The body color looks less like a flag and more like a boysenberry Smoothie. No doubt a masking job would have allowed for much better results but I understand that would be waaay too expensive to make. But hinting the halves represent a Flag? Only if there is something in your Vape device that you didn’t know about.

Still… the caps make it a winner. Anything that recognizes and shows respect for Paul Escolar gets an A for effort.

Anybody mixing colors should know that adding just a touch too much white will flat out a formula and give it a milky pastel effect. Bingo!

Now… on a more positive note> No 2 transitional halves look exactly the same. So there is just as good a chance that some of the hundred something Special Edition Freehands may look better than others. I just saw one on my Facebook feed and both halves didn’t even look related. So… maybe as we get ours in the mail, we can post up pics in this thread and compare them. I should get mine tomorrow or Tuesday. I will post a pic or 2…


Side story - it meant to be a darker blue. Similar PMS of the blue I used in the transitionals.

Then during the production, I realized that I don’t want to change “anything” from Paul’s design. If I changed the cap color, I literally changed the entire concept of his art.

I actually want to release this as a double cap release, (extra regular cap that fits the transitional color) but adding another layer of complexity to our team means that this might miss nationals. We only got the proposal around 5-6 weeks away from the day of the event.


I totally agree, its so ugly. The caps are super rad! But im not gonna spend 30$ for freehand caps. Unless i was a collector

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lol - I will say it does remind me quite a bit of the classic YoYoJam transitional! There is something nostalgic about it that hits for me anyways! :ok_hand:


I think it’s quite pretty! :heart: :yo-yo:

Nice photo @AndreBoulay @bjardin

I also picked up a blue and white one to throw


Andre… remember back when you were a kid and I use to use transitional FH halves for some of my Custom yo-yos?

I really like the transitional body. I just think it adds no value to the side caps.(example<> pretty girl with ugly dress. The girl is still pretty. She is just wearing an ugly dress).

…And, the only way the body halves look remotely like a flag is if you take a photo of the yo-yo with a flag in the background, lol.

At the price of many yo-yos today, a $30 price tag on a Special Edition Freehand, paying tribute to a friend and Legend is ‘peanuts’. Especially if Pauls’ family gets a small royalty for each sale.

Keep em coming….


It feels like you are ready to fight… LOL!

Anyways, I have nothing to explain here. If you don’t like it, you don’t like it. It seems like a few feels the same way, and a few likes it too. This is nothing new to a yo-yo brand complaints/inputs.

Whether it’s color or yo-yo type, it’s always a preference so I totally understand where you are coming from! Have a good day. :blush:


Duncan is YoYo. IMHO

I ordered the special edition straight away.

Thank you for supporting the community!


Anyone with multiple Freehands notice that the National’s edition is significantly lighter? I have most of them and they all weigh about 68 grams, but the National’s edition weighs around 61 grams


I noticed it as soon as I picked it up.


Still plays great but it is very obvious


it doesn’t play quite the same though, thats for sure