Forward Pass and Sleeper Help?

Just starting out and wondering if it is essential that I catch a Forward Pass with my palm up as I have seen in the instructional videos. I seem to catch it pretty well with the palm down but am having trouble catching it regularly with my palm up.

Also, I am using several 2A throws and have a hard time keeping my Sleeper…sleeping. When I give it a healthy throw 90% of the time it just climbs back up the string w/o me tugging it at all.

Thanks in advance.

What do you mean by palm up?

What type of 2a yo-yo(s) are you using?

Loop 900?

You can adjust those to have a wider gap to make it less responsive and not come up the string like that.

It is necessary to learn to catch with the palm up, because then you won’t have to turn the yoyo around so the string is oriented the right way. But if you’re not going to get serious with 2A (looping) and want to do 1A, I wouldn’t worry about which way you catch the yoyo too much.

As for the sleeping thing, your yoyo’s bearing may be lubed, or it may need breaking in. The same goes with its response pads (if any). Also, the string may be knotted or stuck between the bearing and the bearing seat/the side of the yoyo.

I’m using a well broken-in Loop 900. The videos I’ve seen say you should throw with the back of your hand on top, then turn your hand palm up and catch. I don’t have any trouble turning my hand over, but I find it don’t catch it as well that way. Just wondering if it was imperative to catch it with the palm up as some sort of set-up to harder looping tricks.

Yeah, it’s like a sleeper. When you throw a sleeper, you have to turn your hand over while the yoyo is travelling down the string, same goes for a forward pass. It is just something done so that the string is winded up in the correct direction to set up for your next throw.

Thanks guys.

as for the sleeping issue, it all comes down to friction. the harder you throw, the more the response system will rub against the string, causing more friction. when there is too much, the response system “grabs” the string and it rolls back up. this can be helped with a wider gap, a well upkept bearing, a broken in response system, and a straighter throw. If none of those help enough, then don’t throw as hard. sleeping is not super necessary for 2a, and if you throw as hard as you can, it is more likely that you will end up cracking your knuckles rather than getting a nice sleep time

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