Fools Gold

I don’t mind the new Fool’s Gold engravings, at least the Avalanche ones. The new one’s, however, seem far less crisp and don’t seem to be really “engraved”. They also don’t have the separate design on the other side with the name of the yoyo.

I gotta say though, those pickaxe engravings are by far the best. Drooling right now…

Im sure Chris had to identify them more clearly cause someone not familiar with clyw could be tricked into thinking those pick axes were part of the normal design and pay full price for em’.

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It’s a crap shoot. I’ve played fgs that were dead smooth and I saw nothing wrong with the anno. I’ve played a grades that vibe pretty bad. For it to get a b grade Chris just has to find something he doesn’t like about it. So some that have vibe make it through. Some that have a little anno spot get caught.

That’s why I’m going out to the shop to test some tolerances and etc. for the upcoming run of newer stuff.

Fools Gold are a great value!!! This issues are minor And you get the bonus of very cool engravings. I’ve got FG Ava’s, Canvas a Chief and a Puffin. All great throws!!

I’ve owned 2 Fools Gold yoyos and I loved them both just as much as my A grades, and i would say they are definitely worth the money. Just make sure that if you buy them from the BST that you get them for a fair price, I’d say somewhere around 10-20% cheaper than A grades depending on why its Fools Gold.

the rebate is greater than that.

Here are mine:
Avalanche: 60$
Chief: 70$
Puffin: 70$
Arctic circle: 60$
Prices from clyw store.

All play much smoother than that FG GE I tried last weekend.

I just ordered one this week, now you got me worried.

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It’s been awhile since I’ve been on here, guess the prices have changed since then :slight_smile:

Chris did no t hide anything: They were initially worse, but our machine shop pushed back the shoulder on the bearing seat a little and that reduced it quite a bit.

I mean, it played great, but it’s the vibiest FG I have played, I would have been deceived myself, if I had ordered one. But maybe yours wont be so bad. Same thing for the ill vibes avalanche, apparently some vibe, mine is not so bad…

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Most of the time people don’t notice anything with our vibey Fool’s Gold throws, I’m just picky.

I didn’t mean it to sound like I thought he was hiding something, I read the info and understood what I was ordering. Just hoping that it is still a good player.

Thanks for the input.

Thanks for the input everyone.

Just trying to recoup our costs when a run doesn’t work out 100%, and offer them at a pretty generous cost savings of almost 50% off.

Sorry some of you don’t like the artwork. We like it.

Aside from that I can’t really say too much else considering that YoYoExpert doesn’t sell them.



I think the fools gold engraving on the Glacier Express goes really well with its lines.

Well, I think it’s one of the better engravings I’ve drawn. I get it if some folks might find it too busy - different strokes for different folks.

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