"fools gold" what is it? Why is it bad?

I guess this is good for the throws that you don’t WANT but you dont mind adding to your collection, I mean I want AC so I’ll get that new but probably get a FG summit or chief.

I wouldn’t say so. I’ve always wanted a Chief, so when I saw the FG run I jumped on one instantly. If you want a CLYW throw and it comes out in FG, well you just saved like 70 bucks! And I’m not sure why you said you’d get your AC “new”. FG runs are perfectly mint, nothing “un-new” about them.

I was just giving an example lol I want a chief too but by “new” I guess I meant perfect :stuck_out_tongue: flawless nothing wrong with it at all. But it seems a lot of people are doing it so might as well so what you say :smiley: I mean as my preference I just like having things perfectly functional if they’re on my wish list, but you’re saying FG are perfectly functional? If they are then why wouldn’t I get some :smiley: everyone loves saving lol

I fail to see how a hair’s breadth of wobble or a messed up ano job make a yoyo any less functional. I’ve played a FG Ava and a regular Ava side by side and couldn’t tell the difference. I know plenty of people dislike ano flaws or vibe, but preference is difference from function. Be mindful of your word choices so you don’t get misinterpreted.

My FG Chief(28 stories) is as smooth as my AC and my Cliff. Though I did hear that Chris only made these B-grade because they came out more faded than the intended color. Mine almost looks like a Spring edition silver w/ red splash bassalope.

On the other hand, my FG Ava and my FG Cliff both had vibe on grinds. It wasn’t too bad and it’s worth the 50-60% off of it’s original price. I was definitely satisfied with that purchase.

It feels like I’ve somehow offended you with what I was trying to say. I’ve never tried FG throws and was just looking to know more about it, I careless for the ano job but maybe the FG you bought had very very little wobble, maybe the one I’ll buy will have more wobble one that I would actually mind. I guess what I’m trying to say is you are still taking a risk buying an FG yoyo. Maybe it hasnt happened to anyone yet, maybe the chances of it are really low, but the chancr exist. And IMO a throw with vibe is NOT perfectly functional unless its made purposely to give vibe. I’m looking to get AC. BvM2 and maybe a chief so I’ll see depending on how much money my job pays me.

Sorry if I sounded offended :). I was just trying to clarify things. To me, vibe doesn’t at all affect the functionality of a yoyo, at least in the level of FG throws. Although Chris technically could sell a yoyo that wobbles like a skrillex track as a Fool’s Gold and there’s nothing you could do about it, that’s never happened before and Chris would never do that. It’s highly unlikely that if you buy a FG throw it will have any real noticeable vibe, but I understand if you’re trying to be on the safe side. Again, sorry if I came off a bit too aggressive :wink:

Haha don’t be sorry man, it’s all good, texts are sometimes misinterpreted, but haha I like the skrillex relation, and see I don’t really know Chris that well :stuck_out_tongue: well now I do, and since a lot of people are saying its great then I’d probably consider the next FG batch :wink: thanks for the clarification !