Food & Yo-Yos Thread (Continued after the Contest)

Meat pies.

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And tea. Gallons upon gallons of tea. We drink the stuff like it’s water over here.

It only takes me one episode of Man .vs. Food for me to realise how much better you guys have it. I remember seeing an episode where they made a burger that had a Krispy Kreme Donut instead of a bun… only in the USA…

Did you hear about the double-down?

Morning math, muffin, and tea!

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Hahaha! Never seen that one before! But oh mannnn. I could go for one of those right now. KFC is the absolute nuts! drools

Things I import. Oxo. Marmite. Mint source shower gel. Figgy pudding. Jaffa Cakes. Proper HP.

Things I’d like to import. Pork Pies. Proper chips. Cornish pasties. Proper bacon. Haggis.

If I imported all these things I’m pretty sure I’d induce some serious food related illness due to over eating. I will try and add a yoyo to one of these things over the weekend. :slight_smile:

I can’t eat any of those things, but the one that kills me is living a couple miles from In-N-Out…especially when the wife brings it home. So wrong! :smiley:



Here we go!

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15 minutes… You entered on time ;)…

8minutes-ish :smiley:





2 :slight_smile:

Just posted 3 on Instagram! I tagged you in it TA.

Wait guys…

Totalartist is offline hahahahaha!!

Negative 9!

She has a life…

Try not to be impatient like me or you get put Down down down :wink:

Probably eating dinner with #foodandnoyoyos