Fixed Axle February 2025 is Here! WEEK 4

Here’s a link to the week 1 tricks I did.

Trapeze Stall, Sidewinder, Making the Zines, Return on Hand and Banana Slide.

This is my first time trying to do this, so I’m still getting used to the format of this forum and such. Please let me know if I posted in the wrong spot or any. Thanks everyone!


Heck yeah dude! Looks great! Can’t wait to see more!


My attempt at Nate’s combo.


Killin’ it! Very nice, brother. :fire::fire::fire:


I realized my loops didn’t count because I didn’t do three of each…so I redid them using my Strider.

Current Trick Completion:

  • Trapeze Stall & Sidewinder
  • MakinDaZines
  • Kickflip
  • Inside Loops x3
  • Outside Loops x3

@JosephStromme Nice! :fire:

mouchovskij-All 5//Splizacular-1(BS)//Yodaddyo-All 5//Phlox-All 5//Kalic00-1(BS)//GTDropKnot-All 5//Son-of-Morris-All 5//HappyYoyoer-2(BS,FB)//Solarbeam-1(BS)//davis25565-2(DF,BS)//Spinstar-All 5//TryCatchThrow-1(BS)//Ardeus-All 5//Lukoyo-2(FB,BS)//oscar_chuntonov-2(BS,DF)//JosephStromme-1(BS)


Week 2 Love Peace and Yoyo


Hi everyone.

This is my entry for week 2. I had a rough week and cut my index fingers on both hands, and with the bandage on, kickflips are awkward to do, so the execution is not the best. I just didn’t have the time or energy to finish grinding. I even had to change my yo-yo!:grin: My Nate’s Fixed Axle Combo is pretty sloppy, and the Triple Kickflip Kwijibo has not the most elegant dismount. These are my official excuses :grin: Although both guest tricks are interesting and useful. So I’ll work them out in the future… I guess…:crossed_fingers: I hope…:grin:

Trapeze Stall to Brother Stall, Brother Stall to Double or Nothing Stall
Green Triangle Stall

Nate’s Fixed Axle Combo

Triple Kickflip Kwijibo

Have a great weekend everyone!


Finally got to editing at lunch today. Here’s week 1:

Trapeze Stall & Sidewinder
Tape Measure
Ed series - 3d Stop n Pop (landed wrong: trapeze instead of brother, will re-do)


Week 2:

Trapeze Stall to Brother Stall, Brother Stall to Double or Nothing Stall
Green Triangle Stall
Nate’s Fixed Axle Combo
Ed series - Early Grab Pressure Flip

Will hopefully put some time in on Dazzling Dave, Jerrod and Cowclops tricks this weekend.


I just gotta say, it’s so awesome seeing how good everyone is getting at fixed axle! I am loving this. Everyone is crushing it!

Also, it’s really cool seeing people do “my” green triangle stall. I’m sure I’m not the first person to do it, but I haven’t seen it anywhere else, until now. And it’s incredible.

Thank you my brothers and sisters and everyone in between! :pray:t3:

Okay, back to slangin’ those thangins!


If you mean GT Stall specifically, I posted a video of this trick in the summer of 2023, but I don’t remember when I "came up with it":grin: Basically, I was just doing GT, but Stall​:grin: If you mean GT over TH in general, then I think that’s how Paul Escolar did it. But you do this trick very smoothly and I liked the idea with a front style throw, you can do all sorts of transitions, combos, etc. And your tutorial is good, detailed. I definitely like it :+1:

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And I almost forgot the old rule: “if you “invented” something, then most likely Drew Tetz already did it” or something like that😁


Parallel development means the trick is worth learning, but yeah, Drew’s done it before


Woah sick! It’s literally exactly the same thing :joy: I knew it had to have been done many, many times by many, many people. I did not expect there to already be a tutuorial, however. Neat!


This is a very good rule :joy: I’m just going to start saying it’s a Drew Tetz trick when I don’t actually know lol

And thank you for the kind words, brother :pray:t3: it genuinely means the world to me.


Here’s a couple. Couldn’t even get close on the triple kick Flip kwijibo but I did throw some juggling in! :man_juggling:


Keep making yours though, your style is not Drew’s or mine. Watching other people’s renditions in their own style definitely helps me learn.

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Hi! Busy week. Wasnt sure when the last day for week 2 entries is. Anyone know?

It’s pretty much an all-month thing. We just keep adding a little more each week. So you can pick it off a little at a time if that helps. Was trying to help keep people from being pressured to get it done right away (except for the last week of course, haha), while still bringing something new each week that kind of builds off the skills from the previous ones as well.

At least I believe that was the latest and greatest, if I’m wrong, someone else from the YYBC please feel free to correct me, lol.