dang it Ed, why couldnt you pick a quad kickflip or something like that, at least id have a chance on that.

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quad would be tough to see on video unless you were shooting at 120 fps or higher, honestly.
we will get to stuff like that (and stranger), but i feel that moons are so essential that i’d be remiss if i didn’t include them in the first 3 rounds.

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Even if I don’t make it through this round, I would like to offer my sincere appreciation of you forcing me to learn this “basic” Fixie trick. I have hit one rep and I feel like that’s a win at this point, even if it doesn’t get me through to the next round. Though my arms and back are continuing to get sore as I haven’t stopped practicing Fixie in my free time since the contest started. This has pushed me to upload more content in the last week than I have in a while.

I just finished filming after all the trouble placing the camera, it’s hard since my house is small…
and then I realized I did the Zines wrong… sigh

Not sure if I did the regen correctly, but this was fun! I learnt Shoot the Moon when I was trying to complete the Hyper Level (Hyper Yoyo boom back then) as a kid, and I remember getting hit in the jaw by a yoyo with metal rings while practising, but I eventually got it. This made me remember the feeling I had when I first nailed the trick, so thanks Ed! :slight_smile:

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The curse of Ed Haponik has struck me! Every time I turn on the camera my STM’s become head seeking missiles.

Anyone else have some good blooper’s on film?

I do. I have a ton, getting hit in the head, cursing, throwing my yoyo into the forest, you name it, I’ve got it. This is the most frustrating trick ever.

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Got em, I hope the Zine is correct, please tell me if it isn’t.

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I had some, but since I am stuck only recording with my phone, I have to delete everything that’s not a fully clean rendition of the trick. Though I had some stuff that would’ve probably been amusing to everyone, though I would have to tag it as adults or parental guidance necessary. I sound like a sailor as is, and this trick really brings out the frustration (which in this case refers to a lot of swearing). Haha. I was actually swinging my yoyo around my head like a flail last night, though I quickly realized that I wasn’t sure what I thought it would accomplish, then it came full circle and hit me. Knocked some sense into me if nothing else.

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Here’s my entry for round 3. Good luck to everyone else.

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Yo just wanna say, thanks a lot Ed and YYE for holding this contest, you are awesome. Honestly before this I was like, well I can do simple stalls and all, I guess I’m good, then I kinda forgot about it, like no big deal, there was little motivation to push further and I even yoyo less overall.
However at this point I feel like I WANT to yoyo again, and this time I really want to push it further especially on fixed axle play.
I guess it’s time to learn kickflips before it’s too late ;-D

That’s pretty much exactly what happened. Everyone else throwing flawlessly, me being Wicket. well that was fun, this is probably the one and only yoyo video of me rocking my coke bottle glasses

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IKR everybody is like, this is so much easier than last round, and then there is me.

Well at least in my case, I already do 2a for a few years now so shoot the moon isn’t a problem, the hardest part is transferring from shoot the moon into the trapeze stall.

Yeah, this is definitely the hardest round thus far. And that’s comparing to round 1 in which I did around 8 hours of filming.

Sorry for the camera mans heavy breathing at the end. But I filmed it in one try.

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lol sergio after the disclaimer i expected the breathing to be way heavier! nice job!

that’s kind of the idea… :0

at the same time though, i definitely hear you guys. and i didn’t intend for anyone to go insane over this contest. i’m honestly not a very judge of what people will find easy or hard. ask andre - i’ve had to run all the rounds by him. i’m just too close to the material to know what’s manageable.

I’m glad for it, don’t get me wrong. Pushing my yoyo skills more than I ever have, and no matter how sore I get, I just keep throwing. Reason why I said that, is because for me personally, the second round was loads easier than the first, so I wasn’t sure what to expect for this round. It’s so fun trying to dial in these tough tricks. Frustrating, but so enjoyable.

Edit: I forgot to mention, that it is cool seeing different people really hit their skill set in a certain round. Meanwhile, Mr. Brewster is all like, “I know ALL THE TRICKS!” But he’s totally laid back about it. This contest represents why I love yoyoing.

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