Fingerspinning Preferences

Didn’t say it was impossible, just that it wasn’t the design intention. :wink:

I’m not sure the intention was to fingerspin on the outside of the cup like on a Mo-vitation. Seems rather poor at that. All opinions though.

Unless Ernie himself mentions that the dimple was a design element not made specifically for fingerspinning… I guess a New Critical way of thinking would still just count the designer’s intention as an opinion of his own intentions, though. :smiley:

It’s not great at fingerspinning in the channel Mo-style either, mind you. Until you get the hang of it. Like anything, it’s just practice.

I do find when I’m playing the Prestige that if I feel like doing a fingerspin I will just do a matador with it, though.

So having spent a little time with the M.O.V.E., I do want to say that you won’t instantly become a wizard at finger spins, still takes some practice with keeping it in control. When it does spin, it spins nicely. Since it has a slightly sharper point (inverse cone) I’ve found that my finger is more prone to catch the outside of the center and have it spin wildly out of control while on the Elysian I have just a little more room since it’s more of an inverse nipple.

I end up spinning both wildly out of control many times as I’m still learning. Of all of my finger spinning-capable throws, I do like how both the Elysian and Move is set up. I tried on my Orbis and the dimple in the center just feels too shallow and my finger tends to slip right out.

Now the one I’m curious about is the White Hole which is a delrin yoyo that has steps into a center metal hub. It is also said to be great at spinning.