Few & Far Between Yoyos - THE DREAMER

:crossed_swords:BatTisai DROP INFO

Hey everyone! We are excited to announce that we will be releasing the BatTisai this Thursday, September 29, 2022 at 8:00 PM EST on our website.

We are so excited to get these out to you guys! We have been working on everything for this release for a few months now and it is so amazing to finally be able to share it with all of you!

Here is some info on what will be included with the BatTisai:

  • Limited run of only 39
  • BatTisai Titanium Yoyo
  • Custom soft touch box
  • Silk purple pouch
  • ZipLine String
  • Custom sticker & pin
  • Katana letter opener

The BatTisai will retail for $314.99.

We will be opening up pre-orders as usual and will remain open until tomorrow, Wednesday September 28, 2022 at 8:00 PM EST. Pre-orders will close after this time and you will only be able to purchase it on our website.

If you would like to pre-order a BatTisai you can fill out the contact form on our website or reach out to us on any of our social media pages via direct message.

We would like to thank everyone who had a hand in this project and has been supportive along the way!

What other yoyo would you like for us to remake?


Looks amazing! Also what were the specs for this?

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Thank you!! These are the specs. We posted them a few weeks back if you scroll a little up you can see them.

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Will there be any blasted or ano finishes ?


Not for this run but we may do some in the future depending on how many people would like that.

I had to double check this wasn’t a d bearing throw.

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Yeah it isn’t a D bearing. It would be interesting to see how a D bearing would play though.


BatTisai now up for sale. If you need any info please feel free to send us a message! Thanks for all your support!

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Dont sleep on this yoyo!

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The BatTiSai in action.


Loved the video and definitely stealing some of those tricks! @Theycallmecotton


Thanks so much for checking it out! Let me know if you have any questions about any of the tricks


Sick cinematography as always.


I appreciate the kind words :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:. Hope you had a great day


Got my Bat a couple days ago. It’s been a surprising throw. I didn’t expect much from it but I think it’s actually one of the better Ti’s I’ve gotten in the last year or so.

The Ti market is super saturated and a lot of them end up feeling very very very similar. This is not the case with this throw. It still plays on the solid side but not like the rock on a string the original felt like. It’s basically a battosai that plays the way you would have wanted the original to play.


I was waiting to hear some feedback


Wow! Thank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts on it. This is exactly how we hoped this project would turn out when we first started it. It makes us very happy to know that you are enjoying it!


Just a reminder that we have a few BatTisais left in stock on our website!

We have gotten such great feedback from those who have bought one and even sold out on BillyBob’s Bait’n’Tackle
We are proud to announce that we are now offering FREE international shipping on yoyos $200 and up, using the code FREEINTERNATIONAL.

We have recently realized how many customers we have overseas and we would love to get our yoyos out to you guys!

Due to popular demand, we have partnered with Brent Dizzo @dizzo, who anodizes (dizzodizes) titanium yoyos!

We will now be offering this option on our store as a $65 add on and we will send the BatTisai over to Brent to get “Dizzodized”!

Last but certainly not least, we have a BatTisai giveaway coming soon, as well as, the announcement of our newest project which will hopefully be available for the holidays!

We hope you guys are as excited as we are!

If you have any questions feel free to reach out to us! We always try our best to answer all of your questions!

What do you guys think we are releasing next?

Drop a comment below!


:crossed_swords: GIVEAWAY :crossed_swords:

Hey everyone, in honor of the holidays, we wanted to do a giveaway to show how thankful and grateful we are for the support you guys have shown us these past couple of years!

We are giving away a BatTisai prototype which was Dizzodized by Brent Dizzo. This is a 1 of 1 as it is the only prototype that was Dizzodized.

Giveaway retail value is $379.99!

The rules for the giveaway are as follows:
• Share this post via story or post using the hashtag #fewandfarbetweenyoyos
• Comment below what you are most thankful for this holiday season
• Tag 2 friends (they must be following us)

The giveaway will close on Sunday, November 27th, at 11:59PM EST.

We will pick the winner on Monday, November 28th. The winner will be contacted via DM and a story will be posted to announce who it is.

We hope you guys have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and friends!


:white_circle: TAIJITU :black_circle:

We are excited to announce our newest project, Taijitu!

In Chinese philosophy, a Taijitu is a symbol or diagram representing Taiji in both its monist and its dualist aspects.

As we mentioned previously, this was a project headed by my wife and she knocked it out of the park with the design!

We were aiming for a simple design that still offered high performance play, that you can carry around with you daily.

Taijitu will be our first in person release at the Florida State Yoyo Contest @floridayoyo. If you attend, pass by our booth and pick one up or a BatTisai or just say hello! We are looking forward to being there!

Taijitu will be available in three colorways:

  • Yin Black
  • Yang White
  • Yin-Yang Fade

Here are the final specs of Taijitu:

Material: 6061-T6
Weight: 63.81g
Diamater: 51.20mm
Width: 42.23mm
Gap Width: 4.26mm
Axle: M4 *8mm
Bearing: D Bearing
Pads: 19 * 13 * 1.15mm

Stay tuned for an update on when Taijitu will be available for pre-order online as well as the official release date online.

Let us know what you guys think in the comments!

What do you think our next project will be?