Feeling naked.

I forgot my throw at home today and it is making me feel naked. Just like if i forgot my wallet or keys. Ahhh, I just want to throw!!! Lol.


I know that feel bro.


Indeed, that large circular lump on my left thigh makes up a strangely large amount of my identity. If I don’t have a throw on me it makes me feel like I forgot something, as if, like you said, I was naked.

Heck, even walking around my house I usually have a YoYo on me, because it feels so strange to not have one in my pocket.

I always have a yoyo and holster in my pile of effects, keys, wallet, etc., so I can grab it all before I walk out the door. I too hate it when part of my appearance and lifestyle is missing.

Son, I say son, I always keep a couple of spares in my car and office for just such an emergency.


I forgot my clothes at home today and…

My yo-yos are scattered throughout my house so when it’s time to go, you KNOW what i got with me.

This picture’s better

I think it helps if we have an actual holder of sorts. My yoyo holder(not YYE) is on me with a specific yoyo on it whenever I leave the house. More often than not, my YYE medium bag is also on me, full of yoyos.

Yeah, I drive a black and yellow MINI Cooper S. I have a matching black and yellow Northstar hanging from the rearview just in case I somehow end up without a yoyo in my pocket. Never forget!

Get the sOMEThING V… hot looking yellow throw with black caps!

I’ve definitely thought about it! Have you thrown one? They look awesome.

This ^, this is awesome. At one point I had a deck of cards in every room of my house, so i could pick one up play with it, then move onto the next room. I am a magician as well as I do flourishes, before it was cool!, so cards are my best buds!


I went to get a new tatto last friday, didnt bring a throw, ened up going to visit my mom all weekend until earlier today when i got home… i went through withdrawals man… so when i got home i made a video :smiley:

Am I the only person that got this reference?



Yes bro. Yes.

It’s funny, when I’m at school I always reach to my left and feel the yoyo on the holster just to make sure it is still there, on days when I forget a yoyo I feel back there and when I’m not greeted to the touch of my yoyo I panic for a second before I remember I didn’t bring one today!