Feel of a company

I spend more time playing, less time on stuff like this.

For me, it’s either:
I like it or I don’t like it.

After that, it doesn’t matter.

However, let me say this much:
When you have a single individual or a small group(consistent preferred) designing yoyos for a company, certain attributes reveal themselves. I notice similar “personalities” with audio gear, most notably in either the pre-amp or EQ sections. Somehow, the engineers/designers personal elements come through. It can be avoided, but it happen at a subconscious level so they aren’t even aware they are doing it most of the time.

With companies with large numbers of creators, the “individual” elements tend to get washed out and lost in the processes. I do like YYF, but a lot of their yoyos kind of lack that intangible dimension. Not all YYF yoyos are like that, but many if not most are.

Regardless, I find it better to just enjoy my various yoyos for what they are, the way they are. That’s how I am. It’s perfectly OK for others to want to be a bit more “sensitive” to these things.

You seem hard to please.


CLYW - Diminishing return
YYR - Same as CLYW
One Drop - You get what you pay for, aka a very nice yoyo
Duncan - Not really sure, but they make some great and ok stuff
YYF - That annoying kid across the street
YYJ - Your best friend that you can always rely on
3Yo3 - Simply amazing
Monkeyfinger - That guy that’s into everything, and isn’t afraid to try anything new
Please excuse any other brands that I’m not that familiar with.

lol I get it, I get it :wink:


I love how G2 hasn’t been mentioned yet.

Ive been throwing for awhile and i have tried plenty of companies. I havent tried anything like YYR or Crucial. Ive always wanted too. Same with general-yo. For years i played clyw yyf yyj. In may i tried C3 and likes how solid they felt. But then i got a Triton and its all good.

Now I have only tried one G2 as of now, but from what i have heard the Nessi and Albatross play very well. Gsquaredyoyos have some nice solid throws, the Triton is so smooth. Its very nimble and present at the same time. It matches my flow perfectly. And that MFD ano. Ooh baby. Id really like to get my hands on a quake honestly. Im gunna dable in G2 for a bit. Cant wait to see whats next.

Well Volkswagen owns just about everything.

You get the point but here’s mine.

CLYW- Porsche: They are high quality great performance and very flashy.

One Drop- Audi: Like CLYW they are great quality and very high performance but not quite as focused on looks.

YYF: Toyota: Very common sold at good prices

And then I don’t feel like doing the rest.

Well yoyo factory is more like a Nintendo. We’ve all had it at one point and for lack of anything better we loved it. I personally like yoyo factory a lot. But I wish they were all manufactured in the United States or Canada like many brands. When there an overseas thing it turns it into a giant that is out there for money. At least it seems that way. I really don’t know completely how they’re run but that’s my suspicion/opinion. Loving the equilateral I got in the mystery box BTW.

YYF = Flo Rida
OD = 2 Chainz
Duncan = love
C3 = Shing02
Monkey Finger = Riff Raff
CLYW = Kim Kardashian
RecRev = Danny Brown
Werrd = Kendrick Lamar
Yomega = Drake

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CLYW = Wu-Tang


Why are all the car comparisons to CLYW RWD luxury cars?

There ya’ go.

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LOL I love those quoutes from the Summit Documentary

Neither of my two favorite brands are listed here :frowning:

Oxygene: Dead smooth, always. Competition ready, lots of H shapes. All their throws have the exact same feel that I can’t quite place.

TP: Dead smooth, doesn’t even exist on the end of the string. Feels like nothing and does exactly what you give to it and nothing more nothing less. You can always spin them fast, slow, or any other way that your heart desires. They never tell you what to do and what not to do.

Recalls everyday

And non-smokers die everyday too.

Duncan: inexpensive, budget funnnnn.

YYF: its like a big panda going around teaching kids to yoyo, and when they get real good it continues to offer great prices on their metal stuff like your panda mentor.

CLYW: Good stuff priced high, out of my range personally, but get a fools gold and its basically the same throw. They’re kinda like the classics.

OD: Like CLYW but with very modern designs

I don’t know enough about anything else to be able to describe it.

If yoyorecreation made cars…


Dat performance.

my favorite is the one that has a bearing in it

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I’m sorry, but Duncan is NOT “cheap.” I’ve tried a great variety of their throws, and they are definitely up the with companies like YYF and from what I’ve tried, even CLYW.

LOL ok man. Your observational skills must be similar to the amount of money in my bank account. ZERO

Just because you like CLYW doesn’t mean he does, I think that many Duncan’s are better than CLYWs, in fact, I don’t like CLYW at all, despite them being based in my home town.