Favorite yoyo to take out with you in public?

The title basically says it all, but what’s your personal favorite yoyo to take out into public?

It might just be your favorite, but my favorite is the OD Terrarian, and I rarely take that thing out into public unless it’s special.

Otherwise, either my N12 Shark Honor, or N8 Dare to Do. Those little suckers play gr8 m8.

So what about you?

I like to bring out my Shout, Barracuda, and First Base. If not all three, I try to take two.

Genesis! So beat that i dont really care. Take it everywhere. <3

Generally something small, or beat. In my case my TropicSpins capricorn is beat so no worries in public. Also the rally is a good choice, unless you are on pavement in which it will most likely crack with a hard hit.

Any yoyo I’m already using! I may be less inclined to bring something older and more rare, but I’ve done it more than I can remember.

I like my Replay a lot. MarkMont Classic.

Just got a YoyoFormula F1. That thing’s pretty fun.

No particular favourite. Just the yoyo I’m in the mood to throw when I’m leaving the house. Doesn’t matter if it’s the most pristine and expensive yoyo in my case or a ProYo. Just whatever I feel like.

Sengoku Hideyoshi

I have nothing else like it👍


It’s almost always a replay pro ;D

Duncan Bassacuda. For 45$, it’s really, really good. Actually, it’s really good regardless of the price. It blows my Echo 2 out of the water imo.

I now carry my Big Dipper everywhere because I am not afraid if it bumps the ground or something. It is really nice plastic yoyo I really like it a lot.

I only have three so… I will ether carry my 14 H-benchmark, or my QU4DRO then tag my t5 overlord to my side set fo 5a as I am still not very experienced in 5a! XD

My current favorite to take out is my Diffusion 2. I normally carry a plastic, but I do carry around my DV888 and Shutter a lot too.

whatever I walk out the house with is my favorite for the day

Either Big Dipper or Yeti, but I’m always to concerned about the string snapping on the Yeti, so I usually use it at home. But if I’m going to a friends house I’ll usually take the first thing I see.

Any yoyo that I’ve dingged already. Right I’m bringing around my Freehand Al since I really nailed it doing 5A. Now I don’t care about dinging it anymore so it’s very freeing.

FYI - The Freehand Al is a beast. I REALLY threw it at concrete and caused one of the caps to fly off over the railing onto the bottom floor of a market. The yoyo only got a couple of scratches and did not get any vibe.

I either bring around my replay or northstar, depends how im feelin. Rarely ill take my benchmark W or my Dark Magic II.

DV888 is one of my favorite EDCs.

My shutter is a regular all day throw cause it’s kind of beat… I’ll take other throws if I’m feeling adventurous.

My Yoyorecreation Draupnir. The best are made to be used, not displayed.