1A: Haven’t played much 1A lately but I’d have to say still my Cliff or my Genesis(unfortunately stripped) close behind. I’m sure when my Cascade gets here that’ll be it.
5A: Been playing 5A ALOT really like my Cliff seems like it was designed more for 5A than 1A almost but still have been playing my Classic for the ease of not worrying about dinging my Cliff.
0A: Unleashed
1/2A: Severe
1A: Lunar Wind
2A: modded hyper raiders
3A: protostar
4A: Griffin Wing(only one I ever had, need to get a fiesta or go big)
5A: Destiny
Moebius: Phenom
Doubles: Dm2
TR3A: Dm2
1a: Gah, too hard! It’s a tie between the Prestige, M10, KLR, and Majesty lol.
2a: Unleashed.
3a: Sine//Saw
4a: Haven’t tried many, but Equinox I guess.
5a: RevRev Number 9