Hey there 
I’m a huge fan of oxygene and have been since my first unresponsive yoyo was the Oxy 5, I love smooth yoyos so we’re a perfect match.
Let’s start with the Oxy five, this thing is deader than dead smooth. You throw your worst throw at it, and it’s smooooth. A lot of this is because of the old adjustable axel system that I’m sad they did away with, although I do see how at high speeds of play a solid axel is more preferred. It gets excellent spin times for its small size, equal to every yo-yo I have other than the Oxy Ozone, which is huge =P. It plays very fluidly and quickly.
Next I’ll go onto the Megatron. This one has a solid axel system so it often vibes a bit when you throw it just based on how the string rolls out of the bind, but always balances out to Oxy smooth quickly. It feels very solid, slightly more stable than their other throws. I would love it in throw and catch tricks, although I’m not that good at them yet. It’s also excellent for 5A.
Next is the H2O, Oxy and Hspin collab. I like it a lot, I’d recommend the Oxy 5 over it as it plays very similarly but has a more modern shape.
Now we’re onto the Ozone. I don’t play this one regularly as two of my bearing are very loud and one of them is currently in the Ozone, as my nicer bearings are in the aforementioned yo-yos which I’m personally more a fan of. The Ozone is way bigger than I like my yo-yos to be. I suspect that if I liked larger throws I would love it, but I like my throws on the medium to small side. It also has a solid axel so it vibes a bit in the beginning.
Note: all yoyos I’ve listed so far are great for all kinds of grinds.
Finally I’ll review my all around favorite yo-yo, the Syzygy. I know you said under 200, so take it or leave it :). The syzygy is a dream to play, I feel that it takes all the best parts of the Oxy brand and puts them together. It has a nice gooey feeling when you move it around, you can really feel where it is on the string, and it flows amazingly well through everything. I have the blue heavier version and the weight is excellent. It again has a solid axel, so a bit of vibe that always smooths out in the beginning.
I hope this helps you decide which Oxy you want! Best of luck on your quests to greater skill levels.