Favorite music to throw to?

Hey all! I was wondering what’s your favorite “muzacks” when throwing ?

Day 'N Nite, nightmare version by KiD KuDi

Anything hoobastank

Dead Kennedys and The Offspring! :smiley:

i bit of fast paced trance suits me well nicely, like some infected mushroom or 1200 micrograms

I usually throw to the little voice in my head that tells me to stop and get on with life :stuck_out_tongue:
But I also like to throw to instrumentals. Kevin Macleod’s are my favorites.


opening music to my DBZ Budokai games.

almost all kind of rock

Ussually whatever music is on my favorite video ATM.

Remember The Name
by- Fort Minor

silence, usually total silence. lmao! If i actually happen to have music on at the time, whatever comes up on shuffle. :smiley: