Favorite Mount?

Same here. 1.5 has a lot of variety and potential.

Houdini And Wrist mount.

Iā€™m gonna go against the flow here and say the standard chops mount! Very flexible in terms of what you can do from it, since essentially you can go into any of the standard mounts (but in chops style) and a few unique ones.

I do love the chopsticks. They let me have my Chinese food. :wink:

They let me have my every food. :o

Either Wrist Mount or Kamikaze Mount. They are just fun to get into and also look cool.


my favorite is 1.5 all my speed tricks i made up are based off this SO MANY OPTIONS!!!

1.5, GT

wouldnt call the GT a Mount, but i agree i think its a really fun configuration (i m so fancy calling it a configuration :wink: )