Big Yoyo String—Team Video

Featuring a NEW Product—FAT CHICKS!


*Please leave any and all comments, suggestions, and feedback below :slight_smile:

Kewl… Are these 100% poly or poly/nylon?

Poly/Nylon! They’re fantastic, such a good string. I was never really a nylon fan, but these are awesome. They hold a great bounce, are fat, and float very nicely, yet move quickly.

I love nylon! I hear nylon is supposed to be rougher than poly but the 3 softest strings Ive ever played were poly/nylon or 100% nylon. And Im a big fan of soft strings ;D

Pick some of our Fat Chicks up to try out, man! They’re really awesome! They are on the soft side, but feel and play great. Message use on Facebook to order a pack! :slight_smile: You won’t be let down :slight_smile:

I pmed bigyoyo on yye a while back already, :slight_smile:

Was planning to restock on your lovely 3lan Muse strings and thought it wouldnt hurt to get some fat chicks too. And I couldnt let that buy 3 get 1 pack deal go by so I decided to pick up 3 packs of both ;D

Awesome man! Thanks for the support!

Quote from GregP about ‘Fat Chicks’^^

No problem. Gonna be honest, wasnt much of a fan of BYYS until wilson’s signature 3lan came out, got a pack, and was amazed… wilson designed these too so I have to give them a try :smiley:

They’re pretty rad, my friend…I’ve used them, not my favorite, but they’re quality.

BYYS owner, Jake, is getting real good at this thread mixing to make awesome strings.

Once again, thanks for the support. The whole BYYS team appreciates it :slight_smile:

Wooo! Thanks Andy!

Bump :slight_smile:



Bump! Watch this video guys!

That was one of the coolest videos I have ever seen. I’ll be sure to pick some up!
The Vitality is purdy!

Thanks! :smiley: