Faster CLYW

Do any of the CLYW yoyos play fast or fastish? If so, which ones would? I am thinking about getting one and though I am not a super fast player, I like how faster yoyos feel. Thanks in advanced for the help!

Gnarwhal2 is pretty fast. I think the fastest one yet though is the Igloo. I tried it at a contest… sooo goood :slight_smile:

blizzard is pretty zippy.

Would probly be blizzard, seven summit or AC2 but none of them are super fast

7 Summits with UltraLights SE is the fastest CL ive thrown.

If you want a fast yoyo I wouldnt recomend a clyw. Something you may want to look at is the kenshin, which plays crazy fast.

I’m trying to diversify my collection by obtaining a bunch of different brands, but thanks for the comment! What about the Avalanche and chief?

ava is more floaty but plays pretty light and somewat fast. never played a chief

I actually can’t think of many CLYWs that are fast. Most of the players are slower and technical, so their signatures are made for that. However, I find that the Summit is the fastest of all the CLYWs, obviously including their colabs.

wait a minute you already have a sengoku but not a clyw?

Yeah, why do you ask?

as far as speed goes ac2 and borealis will never lose out in a comparison to anyone else. Zach is already one of the fastest players in the world as well.

i just wouldn’t have expected it is all. Most players get a clyw far before anything like sengoku.

I got it off the BST with a gradient and some other stuff for $120 shipped. Couldn’t let that offer go :wink: I have been looking for a clyw but I have been really picky with the color way and price, so it’s taken me longer than expected.

The scout is definitely not slow, nothing crazy fast though.

I love Zach, but there is no way his speed is even close to many players from Japan. That said it is true that the Arctic Circle 2 is fast, not that fast but it has a “hefty fast” feel to it. Also look for the Igloo and Blizzard for speed, I am sure they won’t disappoint! :wink:

Thats what I love about CLYW though! Nothing crazy.
(warning, tangent incoming)
The blurring speed of alot of overseas players (and many here) is not visually appealing to me. I do not enjoy watching or trying to keep up with it. I see the speed as an unfortunate byproduct of the competitive ideals that have been laid down.
I know the skill is insane, but Ill take flow over tech any day. When it looks frantic and rushed, im not really impressed personally. It should be beautiful, not “scores high.”
CLYW keeps it real but staying grounded in the realm of follow-able and fluid. Ill leave the herky jerky, spaztic, blurring movements to the younger kids who seem to think thats how its “supposed” to be done.
I guess i could compare it to Kung fu and Tai Chi.
Im a Tai Chi kinda of player. :smiley:
CLYW is my favorite company as far as throws go, so Im pretty partial. :slight_smile:

Tangent conversations are always welcome as long as they are actually a tangent and not completely random (at least here :wink: )
Flow is pretty great too :wink: So this might sound weird but I like to think of a performance in almost a story format. Slow build (which would be the very flowy part) , starting to get a bit more speed and a bit more intense, hit the apex of pure awesomeness (string burn to the max), and then subtly slow back down into the resolution of the performance (pure flow).

I’m hearing a lot of mixed ideas on which yoyo. I think I will just leave it up to if I find a CLYW in my price range at the time, that looks good and hits my general specs of a yoyo… Instead of looking for a specific one…
Thanks for any comments you guys gave so far!

If you think that is hefty you l probably be surprised by how much more hefty a good proportion of thorws that you imagine as being fast are. With those kind of yoyos you can maybe play as fast as hiroyuki, izuru, and the likes, but never as fast as zach, not in a long time.
The ac2 is that one thing that does both to perfection.