Fantasy Battles


Luo yi cheng or chen jia lin

Luo Yi Cheng

Augie Fash vs. Paul Han

Augie Hands down. :wink:

John Narum or Ben Conde (4a battle!)

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No cheating Now!! :wink:

I would say Conde, because he has great single trick stunts, as well as good tech and flow. ( And I like his style :D)

Lets try again:

Zach Gormley or Grant Johnson (1a)


John Chow VS Chris Fraser

John Chow

John Chow vs. Paul Han

edit: Han

Jensen vs. Tyler Severance just because of their history ;D

edit: my bad

tyler severence? (didnt know which tyler.)

Plamek Wojcik(Hspin) Versus Elliot Jackson(CLYW)

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I kinda like Jacksonā€™s style

Yuuki or Mickey


Augie Vs Jensen

How about this:

OK, most of us know that YYE makes yoyo player trading cards. Many of us that know that probably have some.

Why not step it up a notch? Might not be worth it, but itā€™s an idea.

Thereā€™s fantasy football, baseball and other fantasy sports games, which are basically off-shoots of the trading card games like Magic the Gathering or Pokemon. However, when youā€™re 36, have a wife, kids and a job and gotta wear a suit, playing Magic The Gathering or Pokemon isnā€™t ā€œcoolā€, yet chances are your fantasty sports buddies also played these games and are the same age, but itā€™s their wives who wonā€™t let them do Pokemon battles anymore because ā€œthey are men and men donā€™t do that sort of thingā€.

So, why not print vital stats/attributes on the back, and then create an official YYE Fantasy Battle dice set? Or, come up with an official YYE dice roll java applet to take care of that. Poster ads the link, someone else has to click the link and then it does the dice roll and calculates the winner.

Iā€™m not into the RPG stuff or the trading card games. Not to say I donā€™t like getting the YYE trading cards. I still havenā€™t cracked the foil from the sets Iā€™ve recently gotten. Iā€™m choosing to use one of my smaller 3-ring D-clip binders and then go to a local comic book store and get some trading card sheets and keep them nice and safe.

Just an idea. S

gentry or paul

Assuming Paul Han, So Gentry

Danny Dietz or Augie Fash

P.S. Studio, that is a great idea, you oughto run that by Mr. Andre Boulay, because I bet that it would work well.

Augie Fash

Ryota Ogi vs. Marcus Koh


  Ian Johnson VS. Jarret Pond.

Johnson Hands down.

Charles Haycock or Zach Gormley

Zach Gormley

Chirs Fraser vs. Augie Fash


Corli vs. Ann


                    JD VS Mickey