Explain your name!

I just felt like annoying people to death with my username :stuck_out_tongue:

Because I’m not creative.

Yes…yes, you do


Wh0th3man used to be my Xbox gamertag :slight_smile:

My real name is (get this) Dustin. :slight_smile: Dust is usually taken everywhere, was happy to get it here. Usually InvaderDust everywhere else for many reasons. I loved Zim, I used to fly “drones” for a long time and it was a joke as well cause ignorant people think that if a quadcopter is around, they are being watched. LOL . . . people. haha

I’m older than dirt now, but during all that time I have been hiking, backpacking, orienteering and mountain biking… Mostly in the coast ranges of California… So Wood Rat just happened…

…First butterfly yoyo… What else would you expect?

My name comes from Skyrim because I am a really big Skyrim nerd. It is the name of the first dragonborn Miraak. Miraak was cast out from the mortal land and sent to hell by the dragons in the first century. As a character you must slay him before he gets powerful enough to com back to Skyrim with an army of dragons to destroy the mortal realm. The 2.0 is for my Steam name and it kinda gust transferred win I made my account.

My grandfathers name is Paul, and I was named after him. :smiley:

When I was a freshman in high school, I thought I was so “eccentric” because I did yoyos and wrote stories and did nerd stuff. This girl that I liked compared me to Phileas Fogg, the main character in Jules Verne’s “Around the World in Eighty Days” and because I wanted her to know I valued her opinion I made it my username everywhere. 5 years later, and it has stuck because I can’t think of anything better. Gosh, I don’t like my early high school self :expressionless:

Bbdave actually stands for babydave, nickname I got from when I was playing sports in high school, even coaches would call me that. Eventually that it caught on with everyone else


I always used snarl3000 as a username and changed it to snarl3k recently. I did snarl3000 since in the good old days in online games like runescape there was already someone who had that name so you added random numbers at the end. Don’t know why I chose 3000 but it worked for me. I chose snarl since I like how it sounds.