Expectations for any other YYF old-stuff revival?

The last 2 years YYF has been redesigning older yo-yos under the JDS line such as the BOSS, Genesis, Rockstar and relaunching other ones like the 888, Northstar or the Superstar (recently announced some reimaginated versions of the Superstar too). What other old school YYF yo-yos would you like to see again or redesigned? Personally I would like to see the Catalyst redesigned by the JDS line since Augie Fash is my favorite player but it would love to see other yo-yos like the Super G or the H.O.T. too. :))


The Uppercut is a reimagined TOO H.O.T. if that counts LOL! - That was one of my all time favorite throws to compete with 2015-2017 and the Uppercut has a similar shape but slimmer to fit better in your pocket! :slight_smile:

Genesis would be sick and also the old 720 with the string response would be a neat throwback hahah


Yoyofactory Horizon in a new version, a little wider version perhaps in 7 series AL would be awesome.

Now that I got my beloved 888, ngl I would love to see the Yuuksta and the Chaotic some of my favourites yoyos back then, insane colourways as well, I was in love with those yoyos!


we’ve all been waiting for them to remake the gold dipped skylines and starry night editions.

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You ever see or play the horizon 2.0? Or horizon pivot it might scratch your itch

Only the original horizon. I’ll have to check around.

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JDS BettyNova with no DNA caps.

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I want to see another pass at the speed dial personally, very fun pocket yoyo

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thats it


can’t wait to see a turning point version of yyf superstar