Not sure if many of you guys follow Evan on YouTube but he made a video announcing he is coming back to yo-yo. How do you guys feels about this? I’m personally super hyped!
Here’s the video
Not sure if many of you guys follow Evan on YouTube but he made a video announcing he is coming back to yo-yo. How do you guys feels about this? I’m personally super hyped!
Here’s the video
Yes. When I saw that video I had a big smile on my face the whole day.
I saw this and commented on his youtube already. Id imagine competitors are probably a bit displeased, lol
Personally, this guy’s yoyoing is what inspired me to start throwing again. His positive energy and incredible routines are always a joy to watch, and I don’t think any yoyoer is better at making a routine to music than Evan. I purchased one of his Edge 2022 yoyos directly from him (sorry YYE) when I saw the news. I wish the guy the best of luck in his pursuit of life and am thrilled to see he is back in the yoyo scene. And judging by his latest videos, it looks like he hasn’t even lost a step. I love his reference to Tom Brady (I am a Pats fan) and find it very fitting, this guy is the GOAT of 1A imo.
Agreed Evan is awesome! Also died hard pats fan here as well!!
Did he really even leave though?
with all the covid stuff, its going to be like he never left LOL
Evan is my favorite player! When he left I was so sad.
How does someone even leave yoyo in the first place?
He didn’t really stop yo-yoing he just stopped competing and making content
To be honest, I had no idea he left.
He didn’t…. He just thought he did. (as Owen already stated, ‘He just stopped competing and making content’).
Evan was throwing when he was 3 years old. When he wasn’t much higher than anybodys’ kneecaps he was on TV and doing tricks in front of the Holiday Inn, at Nats in Chico.
His Dad established the THP>> Team high Performance in Hawaii so long ago. Some of the biggest names in demonstrating and competition yo-yos were members of THP.
Evan was literally in direct contact with players all older than him and he had pretty much daily exposer and interaction with them.
Evan has been: funny, charming and enthusiastically outgoing since he was a baby. Even when he was a toddler, you knew he had some special ‘grey matter’ rolling around in his head. His curiosity, focus and attention to detail was uncanny. He was like a human solar panel. Exposed to anything ‘en-lightening’ and he absorbed it.
Yoyo skills don’t ‘define’ Evan. He is actually pretty good at anything he commits energy to. It is a combination of: determination, initiative and a strong willingness to achieve.
If, you have ever seen Evan perform in a yo-yo contest, his high energy freestyles aren’t just complicated yo-yo combos struck together. He gives Dynamic stage presentations involving: mad skills, full usage of the stage, acrobatics and humor that is second to none. And, when he is in ‘banger mode’ even his misses look good, lol.
But it’s not all about him. He is very personable, helpful to other yo-yo players, does not hesitate to cheer/and/or encourage his competitors. And even when he doesn’t place 1st, he is quick to congratulate anybody placing higher than him(because he knows what it takes to get ‘there’).
….Just like so many nowadays seem to be covered with Tattoos on their bodies, Evan has ‘yo-yoing’ Tattoed on the inside of his head. There is an old saying, ‘The strongest swords are forged through Fire’.
Evan never really quit. He just took a long deserved break because he needed to direct his ‘Energy’ to other pursuits.
The following is a quote from a great man from so long ago(Calvin Coolidge). It doesn’t define Evan…. But it identifies what village Evan is from>
Standing right next to a long time friend(Alan Nagao) and watching Evan giving an impromptu Yo-yo clinic for a very amazed group of onlookers, I said to Alan, ‘Your son was born to do this’.
I love being correct now and then.
The statement that he is coming back pleases anybody that knows him. But, it is not surprising.
Evan does not stand alone as the ‘most amazing person’ at any Venue. But if the MC at the Event, announced to all attending, ‘ At this time, we would like All amazingly talented players with positive attitudes to assemble on the other side of the room. If…. You want to know where the other side of the room is, just look for Evan Nagao. He is already there’.
Do you reckon Evan could convince his dad to come back to stunt kiting too ?
Sorry, but I sold my Krystal ball at a garage sale a long, long time ago.
The guy that bought it helped Pee Wee Herman find his bicycle in the basement at the Alamo.