Error messages when loading YYE?

Quite a few times a day when I use the forum, I get a message like this

No data received
Unable to load the webpage because the server sent no data.
Here are some suggestions:
Reload this web page later.
Error 324 (net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE): The server closed the connection without sending any data.

It takes about 45sec to a min to load that as well. I’m not sure if it’s just me or not, but I find it rather annoying. It doesn’t matter what browser I use either. I’ve used safari, chrome, IE, firefox, and a few others. Even my desk top does it.

My question I suppose… is it just me, or does this need to be fixed?

I get ridiculous load times many times during the course of the day, as a matter of fact, just before clicking this topic, I had to wait 5 minutes for the page to come around.

Yes, there have been some performance issues lately. I believe Andre is looking into it.

I dont know if this is just me, but EVERYDAY whenever I go on the forums, it takes over 10 minutes, and I have to refresh about 10 times and wait another 10 minutes, and keep waiting until I can finally reach the forum. Please see what you can do about this.

should be acting much better now but more fixing is on the way.