Entering a 1A Ladder Division as an uber n00b

Note to self : don’t wear a white t-shirt.

Excuse the look, PJ’s guys.
Also the world tour, I am conscious of the ceiling height so a bit wild.

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Ah dang it! But I’m too lazy for that! /sigh
Can’t I go to my doctor and get a pill that makes me good or something?

Thanks! I’ll give it a try! :smiley:

Man, it is so fun watching you progress! I’m glad you’re brave enough to share the videos with us!

And I’m so impressed with you! I mean it’s been like what? 2…3 weeks since you’ve started back up?

That elevator was really clean! And nice job on the Mach 5!..those Eli Hops!? I think I counted 9 that you landed in a row!! Wow!!

I hope you continue sharing your progress with us! I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m personally genuinely enjoying the heck out of it!
I know you’re a stranger an all…but I feel really proud of you!

Plus I think sharing videos like this might help with ‘stage fright’. You’ll be a bit use to throwing for an audience.

…Sorry for gushing over you so much…but honestly, I think you are awesome.

Thanks dad! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Yeah that was my idea, I thought it would be cool to document my progress and it would be fun for you and others to join my journey and live vicariously through my updates.

Also like you said if I keep practising like this maybe it will help me overcome my shyness and being scared of public throwing, and help me prepare for the nerves and stress of performing infront of a judge and crowd. (so hopefully will help me cut out that 1 extra avoidable mistake)

Hehe Eli hops, that actually happens to be my personal best, coincidence it’s on camera, but I did miss like 4 times before I even landed 1.

Think you are awesome too! thank you for enjoying my videos and posts, makes doing them a lot more worthwhile to have you following them. :slight_smile:


Good on you @MoonageMin for giving it a go!

I’ve always wanted to try it a but I’ve never liked the idea of being the only person there over 30 doing the ladder. I’m already booked up with work till Christmas but next year I’ll give it a try.

Never met a yoyoer before and it would be cool to do so.

Best of luck with the training!


Hehe hopefully I will be better by this time next year, so we can compete together and spur each other on. :slight_smile:

Looking forward to it


Okay, so day #2.

The daily update @twitch77 has been waiting for.
Been practicing some new tricks all evening, can kind of do pop ‘n’ Fresh now, just not consistent, been working on learning Gerbil and Boingy boing today as well.
Let’s see if I can put that all together :

Okay, so today’s lesson learnt :

  • Practice pop ‘n’ fresh more
  • Practice Boingy boing a whole lot more
  • Practice Kwyjibo a lot lot more
  • Not sure what happened on camera, haven’t missed a plastic whip for about a week now, maybe I need to practice that on camera a lot more just in case
  • Don’t forget to do the flyaway dismount after the Double or nothing
  • Don’t rush it, take a little more time over each trick
  • I can now do the throwhand grind (trick #24), so I now just need to learn Hook, suicide, iron whip, Kamikaze, and spirit bomb, lol|
    Give up on those, practice more on getting to trick #18 Kwyjibo and nailing that consistently for now.
  • I underestimated the amount of strings I will go through


Are you sleeping?

There aint no time for sleep man! You got tricks to learn, mounts to master, kwyjibos to perfect!
And don’t let me catch you slacking again! :angry:


I fear that you’re going to burn yourself out :(. But as long as you’re enjoying yourself and having fun…then that’s awesome!
Also…a big part of me thinks what you’re doing is probably really good. Pushing yourself like you are…I wish I pushed myself harder. I think pushing yourself will lead to progression and better skill.
And I’m afraid to try and convince you to take a break or not to be so hard on yourself…because I don’t want to hold you back.

It’s inspiring to see your enthusiasm and I think you’re doing great! I just don’t want you to stop having fun!

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Ten years ago, and they made us stand front and center on stage! (Well, early in the day before things really got underway.) Old people category 21 and over, if I remember correctly. Man, I spent every break at work and lunches sneaking away to practice. Then at home in the evening. Yeah, it was fun.


Oops forgot the video ^^

Day #2:


Okay, I’m now fairly convinced that you’re actually a yo-yo pro and that some of your friends dared you to come and pretend you’re a noob here as a joke.


Seriously. You’re a machine! You make things looks so easy and smooth! And very nice on the pop’n’fresh progress as well as skin the gerbil! And 5 eli hops in a row…first try?! :smiley:

You rock man! :smiley:

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Man that would be scary not sure if I can a lot of tricks under that kind of pressure for the first time.

I am assuming the jump from doing tricks on camera to on stage is significantly higher than the jump from doing tricks to doing tricks on camera?

I love it too! I am really enjoying the evening sessions after work where I can see myself improving a little each day!

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lol I wish, unfortunately I am still a noob!
You sir are a master of flattery :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

yeah getting better with eli hops, pop n fresh is starting to work just not smooth or consistent, took me a while to get my head around that trick.

Boingy… and Kwyjibo is currently my risky ones for now.

Once I can be confident I can do upto #18 Kwyjibo with no more than just 1 fail up to this point consistently, then I might look at learnign the hook as well :slight_smile:

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I just found out that for the trick ladder to be considered a pass cold fusion needs to start from a trapeze. I learnt using @AndreBoulay’s video on this excellent site.

What do I need to do, I considered cold fusion as one of my more consistent tricks :sob: now a little lost…


Who told you or where are you seeing Cold Fusion start from a trapeze? :thinking:


it might start from Trapeze into a Sub-Mount to a 1.5 mount


Oh no! Sorry for posting a video that shows you the wrong version of the trick! :frowning: Really glad you caught that!


@AndreBoulay, they told me on the BYYA (British YoYo Association) Facebook group, when I asked about a clarification on a rule.
And when I checked their website, it turns out it’s true.
A shame because cold fusion just went from one of my most consistent trick to one I can’t currently do.
I can’t seem to wrap my head around how to go from a sub mount (aka. z flip mount, speed combo mount) to a double or nothing without landing on both strings. I have been working on this for 2 hours now and I land on both strings 100% of the time instead of just the outside string :sob:

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Hey @twitch77 no problem at all.
No one really knew and your collection of videos in one place really helped me speed up my practice. I am super grateful for it.

At least I found out now and not on the day! :slight_smile:

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Try aiming more towards your non-throwhand when you do the roll. the strings will separate more as they get farther from your throwhand.