My new Video
Nice! Great song too! One tip of constructive criticism: string was hard to see sometimes.
Sick. Love your skill: smooth, accurate, and FAST. ;D
W O W you’re good. ;D
I love your tricks, however you need more lighting. Other than that, it was smooth as “BUTTAHH” ;D
Throw Hard!! and welcome to the forums!!! ;D
LOL and the guy who talks about 92% of teen agers listening to rap comments on this vid. LOL. I hate rap so I didn’t watch the vid very long.
Is this even necessary? It’s not relevant to this thread.
No kidding!
But that was a really nice video! More lighting would be reeeeeal nice. ;D
Thanks everybody!
Good YoYo video
pure awsomeness

LOL and the guy who talks about 92% of teen agers listening to rap comments on this vid. LOL. I hate rap so I didn’t watch the vid very long.
Fail. Just, just stop.
Anyway that vid was awesome. Welcome to the Forums!
I just can’t stop watching this video. It’s so good.
Woah! Crazy tricks! One thing I would fix is the lighting but everything else is perfect. Keep up the good work.
Beastly skill right there.