Email Pet Peeves

Nothing about pets here, I like my pet :upside_down_face:

I’m talking about email things that drive me over the top. and have been eating at me for a long time…

Number ONE are emails that are forwarded multiple times with 15 to 20 email addresses included in each forward. These would be a treasure trove to spammer harvesters. By the time they get to you there are probably 200 random addresses in the forwards.

If you are going to send (or forward) a message to a bunch of people have the decency to Blind Copy all of them. Unless it is an intimate group that all know each other well, don’t advertise people’s email addresses to complete strangers. At the same time, before you forward some cool message to all of your friends be sure to delete all the previous email addresses before you send it. It’s quite trivial to do actually.

Number TWO are emails with LARGE attachments. People regularly send me videos and such that are very large and take some time to download. Invariably these are Youtube, tiktok, or vimeo videos where the link is readily available. So why can’t they just send the readily available URLs. Maybe they just don’t know how to copy and paste the links (like my pet). It would be much simpler and I wouldn’t have to spend the time downloading multiple MB files or storing them on my computer. If I elect to forward them to friends (via BCC) I normally will google the title and it readily appears so I don’t have to needlessly burden my friend with a huge download.

I probably have more, these are just foremost in my mind at the time… :wink:

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Something really common in my office is for people to send one sentence emails to a large group where the entire email is the subject line, nothing in the actual body of the email.


Not an email thing; but I HATE it when people send chat-messages on Teams in one-sentence bits.

Not only does it “bong” every time the next sentence comes in; but you are also just sitting there waiting for their next sentence as they type it. Annoying.


I have texted forever in one sentence bits, any kind of text/IM service I do that lol. Seems to be a generational thing. Most of my friends/coworkers my age do the same (I’m 32), but older colleagues, friends, and family members dont do it as much

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Haha I do that too. Hella messages in a row

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