Edition News: 35% off Aspens!

Well, and the Aesthetic… It just looks sublime!

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I am happy to share my opinion about Aspen.

The yo-yo does not feel like a typical throw, many of which are on the market.
It has its own unique feel.

Firstly, it is the design.
At the time of Aspen’s appearance, I can remember only a few yo-yos with caps that were quite famous or popular (Motif, Anima, etc). But these are familiar yo-yos to which caps were added. Aspen’s rings with caps are a single element, which is something new. And that’s a titanium!

Secondly, it is the sound.
The presence of caps on the yo-yo slightly changes the sensations of the sound. This is primarily affected by what happens inside the closed bowl. Aspen sounds really different, considering that the rings are made of titanium, which also leaves its mark on the sound. It becomes higher, and due to the design of the closed bowl, it is also more voluminous. I like the Aspen sound, but I know a few people who don’t like the fact that it’s so loud. If the bearing is even a little noisy, the yo-yo will amplify that sound. Even though the Aspen initially has an excellent quiet bearing, the sound is still quite loud.

Third - the feel.
I didn’t have any particular expectations from the yo-yo. The only thing I was afraid of was that it was too heavy. I like heavy yo-yos, but even they sometimes scare me if there is a chance of flying somewhere in the face or my hands are just tired. But I was pleasantly surprised since the weight of the Aspen does not feel heavier than what I am used to playing with. At the same time, thanks to how the weight is moved to the edges, even at low speeds, the yo-yo still holds one line stably and does not fall out of the flow.

In conclusion, Max said on one of the streams that Aspen helps “reset” impressions from other yo-yos. And this very well describes how Aspen feels over long play distances over several days or weeks. After that, even familiar mono-metals seem like something new.

I’m glad I bought this yo-yo for my collection. It often falls into my hands to play, more often than many of the other ones I bought.


Dia: 55 mm
Width: 45 mm
Weight: 65.8 g
Gap: 4.6 mm



It’s time for a Birthday Bash Sale! Starting NOW!!!
From 12/11 → 12-22 save 25% off an Aspen!


Limited to one code per email.


Beautiful YoYo - Happy Birthday!

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Thanks Shawn!

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Edition sale: 35% off!

This brings Aspens down to $140 and $150 respectively, if you’ve been waiting to snag one hopefully this helps!

Happy friday!


Wow that’s an insane deal

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Hate that there aren’t any engraved editions left - those engravings look very high quality. Still a tempting price on what sounds like a great throw.