Early to the meetup

I had a request a couple weeks ago for a video with some grind tricks and since I was early for the Ithaca meetup today and had nothing else to do, I figured I’d make a video with a few. I included the slowmo at the end of the follow to palm grind to ninja vanish for anyone who might want to learn. Please forgive and/or enjoy the silliness. Thanks to Paul, Guy, and Alex for the inspiration.

Great tricks man. What was the first trick and the one from 35-40 seconds?

The first half of the first trick is something I got from Paul Escolar (a houdini mount slack), and the second half is something I came up with - it doesn’t have a name. The 35-40 trick is just an over the wrist triangle that I’m hoping in and out of.

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Awesome tricks man, if you made some tuts I would be in heaven :slight_smile:

Glad you liked them. :slight_smile: Which trick would you want a tutorial of?

You should make a tutorial of the 1st one! What’s that called?

It’s just a trick I made up based on something I got from Paul Escolar - it doesn’t have a name. Would posting that portion in slow motion help?

Yes! You should start some tutorials on the videos sectiOn if you don’t already do that on YouTube or something. Do you know of any other “kink” tricks like that? I’m not sure what it’s called but a lot of the tricks I’ve seen involving kinking the string end in gts which is always a plus.

Wow…How long have you been throwing?

I’d do some tutorials, but I just don’t have much time to do so. Perhaps I’ll make a point of doing some at meetups. I’ll post a link to this video at 50% speed once youtube has processed it - hopefully that will help anyone interested to figure the tricks out.

@guitaryo - I started during the boom of the late 90s, mostly gave it up for a long time, then discovered what the yoyoing community had blossomed into about 3 years ago.

Double post!!!

Here you guys go:

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video’s private

Sorry about that. Should be fixed now.

any tips for keeping your string tension on that first trick? I can get everything down except for the loop always wants to twist up, even if I just adjusted my string tension,

Oh my! Jrod, you are my hero. Will you mar…come to worlds next year?

@Icky - haha! I was planning to be at worlds this year, but my move across country coincided with that weekend. I plan to be there for 2012 though!

@papaYOYO - you’ve got to have close to perfect string tension for the first slack part of the trick. I tend to manage my string tension with either follow (the trick where you fling the string around again and again), a UFO style bind, or with this sort of maneuver:


In the trick that starts @28sec you hop the yoyo through your hand just like in the trick, Static Flow. Is there a specific name for doing this? Any other tricks incorporate this besides Static Flow? That’s the only other one I know of.

I don’t think it has a name. Guy Wright’s trick Wonderland also uses it though.