Hey guys i’m ordering a dv888…TODAY!!! I’m so exited!!!
And I know this post is kinda stupid but just wondering what the pros and cons are?
Use The Search thing. ;D
dv888 is a very very very good yoyo!! :o
Pros: You get a super amazing yo-yo.
Cons: You’re other throws might stay in the case for a while.
HaHA very funny!!!
It sucks, I hate it.

It sucks, I hate it.
LOL samad your picture gives it away… I’m hopefully getting one soon.
The dv888 is da bomb.
Nice…I love my gameboy purple DV888. Im sure you’ll enjoy yours ;D
I just got a One-Drop! Just a coincidence…
pro: it has long spin times and is very small so can fit in pocket
con: it is hard to get used to after a bigger yoyo
Pro’s: Your getting a good yoyo at a cheap price.
Con’s: Your posting this stupid thread…
~James Reed!

Pro’s: Your getting a good yoyo at a cheap price.
Con’s: Your posting this stupid thread…
~James Reed!
I hope you guy’s will start looking at the date of the last post. It’s 11 months old.
Moderator super powers activate…For of LOCK!