Hey guys need some help here. I’ve always been purchasing the top of the line newest most premium compitition yoyos, but now I’m looking for a budget compitition yoyo. Can’t decide between evolve or xenon, cause evolve is made from a more premium material 7075,but xenon is wider and has bimetal styling. Which one should I get
One way to decide if you don’t have a way of trying them before you buy them is if you lean more towards the play style of Justin or Xavier.
Imo just get the one that fits one of these preferences best:
-Looks the best in your opinion/to your taste
-Where the player’s playstyle fits your preferences more (since they’re both signatures)
-The one that you WANT more, rather than the “better” one
I think they’re both going to be amazing either way. I know the Evolve is extremely well regarded and Xavier is an insanely good player, so both are going to be great throws no matter what.
I think that the evolve would be the most worth but this would decide on ur play style. I already have an evolve and i can say with great confidence that its the greatest mono. The xenon is different in shape and stuff, but its gonna be wall up to u
Evolve will probably take a beating better. So if you know it’s gonna hit the ground a lot (like…if you’re an avid 5a player for example)…then that would probably be the better choice.
I think I might just go with the evolve, as the xenon’s bimetal styling scratches a lot, from the photos I’ve seen, even brand new ones from the offsetyyoyos website. And also I’m probably gonna ding it so evolve will probably handle better as it’s more durable cause it’s 7075. But I think main reason is cause I don’t have that much like neck tricks and those type of bangers, I love my hooks and horizontal so yeah
The 7075 makes a big difference. I use my evolve everyday, and sometimes i scratch it and ding it. A couple of times it hit concrete, but it’s still so smooth. The 7075 also gives it a nice ding to it when you flick it!