I don’t know all the yo-yo’s out there. I’ve play with some pretty good one’s. Most great performers are Bi metals. I have the W!ild Wilderness 7075 and it’s great but my son stole it and claimed it. I need to get a better one than him. I’ll take all the updated suggestions including G2 and CLYW high end stuff.
Honestly I cant think of better competition mono than Wilderness 7075
I’m not a competitive player by any means but the YYF Genpop seems to check all the boxes
G2 Loadout would get my vote
Wait for evolve to come out by Justin Dauer. It’ll be half the price or less than anything else mentioned here besides genpop and you’re supporting one of the best members in our community.
Second this! Got to try it at worlds and it is an amazing mono.
c3 krown is slept on (by american players) gotta be my favorite mono
I second this, the evolve is top notch!
I’m with Sam
Honestly the loadout is really good. I’ve been digging it a lot recently. It does come at a bit of a steeper price point (about the same as some bimetals) but if you are willing to pay a bit more for quality you will not be disappointed. The color ways are also unbelievable.
Also “competition Yoyo” is a very subjective term. Which ever Yoyo you feel most comfortable hitting your tricks on is a good competition Yoyo for you.
If you want to go with more of a budget option Yoyofriends and unprld have some solid monos.
Next Journey is more than capable, and some of the best double rims in the game. Lots of Colorway options as well.
G2 Loadout for sure
It’s not even REMOTELY close… Evolve for $55 just can’t be topped.
I like crescendo more than evolve the new Jon sittangang sig but they were both very good. Best is super subjective also
i’ve basically only seen endless praise for the duncan evolve everywhere/anytime it’s mentioned, and for that price point… might be worth giving it a bit and waiting for the online release
I always reccomend the Spotlight ultra. Hunter is amazing and his yoyo crushes.
Spotlight Ultra:
Deviant +:
Have you also checked out Shutter Wide Angle?
Still one of my personal favorites since its release.
G2 Loadout Goatout. Hard to beat the cool colors too