I just got the Duncan spin drifter and on the packaging it says it doesn’t come apart but literally every else l lok online it says that it can come apart and lm confused, l tried twisting it apart but it doesn’t want to budge and l don’t want to force it. So l was wondering if it does or doesn’t come apart.
Also l got another proyo because l love them but l find that l gotta double loop it because if it’s a single loop l find that my string snaps within a day just from daily use.
My question is what can l do for when its single looped to help make my string last longer than a day as l like to sleep with it for my old school tricks.
As for the spin drifter it’s not an amazing YoYo by any means but it’s not terrible and should be a take apart design.
For the proyo I like them but them can be silly. If you’re using polyester string then maybe switch to cotton. The friction of the wood axle can melt a poly string and cause it to fail early.
If your still killing string you can add a small bit of chapstick to the end of the string that loops around the axle and that will lubricate the string adding some response but also prolonging the string’s life a tad.
A quality cotton string that costs a bit compared to most bulk is zipline kot-n. It takes a bit to break in but it last for a long time and really plays well.
That’s strange unless someone glued it. I don’t have a spin drifter anymore but I could have swore it was a take apart model. Maybe I’m misremembering .
Quick question, is the proyo axle post to spin, l noticed that the reason lm destroying strings so fast is because my axle isn’t spinning but is it post to because l got 3 because l love them a lot but they all do the same thing, none of them spin.
Also l got 100 pack of 100% cotton string from yoyofactory, there nice and last a little longer then my polys