Duncan-Magnetude Review

here are the stats:http://shop.yoyoexpert.com/product/1019/Duncan-Magnetude
the ducan magnetude is quite the yoyo if is my favorite only trumped by my difeyo tank I love every part about this yoyo and the hubcaps and magnets make it feel like you are creating something new every time you do something I have always be a sucker for the gimmicks the strange things that set things apart from the rest some times its not a good thing but this yoyo I can proudly say has succeeded I am proud for this yoyo to be a part of my collection and am always finding new thing to do with it.
to get down a little further and to analyze it a bit the hubstaks are a little hard to balance on your finger because they don’t have a recess on them but they are good for what you use them for the magnet tricks here are a few