Duncan Imperial (fleur de lys)

At the beginning of the week I decided to commit my yoyo play to two handed looping. I needed to work on my non-dominant hand (left). I experimented with 3 different wooden yoyos.

For some unknow reason I had a need to try the Duncan Imperial. I have never owned one and have noticed very little attention being given to it. I searched the internet for videos and found many of truly amazing things being done with this yoyo. None of them within my capabilities, and few showing 2a.

As a looping instrument this yoyo deserves a great deal of respect.

In my experience with looping either fixed axle or bearing a player can often loose control as they begin to accelerate the speed of their loops. They end up catching to stop, or simply failing.

The Duncan Imperial has the ability to allow the player to readjust the speed of their loops and gain control. Other more experienced players might say that is the player and not the yoyo. This might be true, however having a yoyo that feels responsive to my adjustments is what makes the Imperial stand out from many others.

It loops smoothly and consistently again and again. I have been able to loop to successfully accomplish working with my left hand because of the Imperial’s consistency.

Consistency is of upmost importance when looping. The Duncan Imperial delivers this with simply eloquence.


That’s awesome! Very good looping. If a $3 yoyo works best for you that is ALL that matters. A relationship with a low-priced yoyo is as valuable as someone with a $25+ yoyo. Looping yoyos have gotten so complicated with lots of different parts in the guts and adjustable this and adjustable that. Blahdeeblahblah. Use what works for you. Keep rockin’ that Imperial! Great job.


I have always been a less is more kind of person.
When I stated playing I quickly found myself “needing”, that Tom Kuhn $90 Silver Bullet, or that $80 Dif-e GTO.
Well guess where they sit?
Guess what ones are used most often when I what to learn something and learn how to do it right.


glow in the dark duncan imperial, have a bunch of them :grin:, can’t go wrong